April 27, 2006
April 22, 2006
Nana, ¿cómo demonios haces los tacos dorados?
*pon a cocer la carne y le echas ajo y un poquito de consomate y un pedacito de cebolla pal sabor y un chilito jalapeño (nomas le quitas la chicata y se lo echas) pero no de los curtidos de los otros luego picas unas papitas muy menuditas licuas un tomate se lo echas a la carne y se le echan las papitas y se tapa y se le baja a la llamita.
lechuga aguacate crema y salsa
*pon a cocer la carne y le echas ajo y un poquito de consomate y un pedacito de cebolla pal sabor y un chilito jalapeño (nomas le quitas la chicata y se lo echas) pero no de los curtidos de los otros luego picas unas papitas muy menuditas licuas un tomate se lo echas a la carne y se le echan las papitas y se tapa y se le baja a la llamita.
lechuga aguacate crema y salsa
April 21, 2006
April 20, 2006
April 19, 2006
April 18, 2006
April 17, 2006
April 06, 2006
April 05, 2006
April 04, 2006
April 03, 2006
"Prepare ship, prepare ship for ludicrous speed. Fasten all seat belts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the 3-ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo..."
April 01, 2006

//April Fools, Cute vs Nerd, and the Like.
SO first message in the morning. Did you see Slashdot yet? OMG! No I haven´t. It is like, totally cute. forget dragons! Time for Ponies! The notes of the day are hilarious, but I liked this one in particular:
ToeSocks06 writes "The cutest site i've ever or youve ever seen is this one CLICK IT NOW LOL!!! because they have the cutest pictures you will ever see :) :) :) Like hamsters wearing SO CUTE hats and so many kittens zomg i love kitties especially that brown one i hope they show him with hats to LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Ok I gottta go now bye!!!"
What Slashdot didnt expect was the answer of the guys from cute site:
OMG! Like the emotionally stunted Slashdot Fanboys (pictured below) have totally discovered Cute Overload. W00t!
Since they're all l33t hax0rs, who are smarter than all of us combined, we should relinquish the comments and let them debate:
1. Why Microsoft sux!
2. Why you are so lame for not encoding your music to Ogg Vorbis. What a luser! You probably listen to Brittany anyway, so what's the point.
3. Why Jerry Taylor is, like, a total dick.
4. How you should delete Windoze and install FC5. It's like totally easy to use.
5. Some endlessly stupid circular argument that got started because one of their egos is as delicate as a butterfly fart.
So everyone put away their My Little Pony dolls and pop an Anime disc in your DVD, because the comments sections are going to be worthless until the Slashdot Effect passes.
Then again, if you're really nice and bat your eyelashes, you can probably convince one of these guys to fix your WiFi connection. (You, like, totally should be running WPA2 security. *snort* *snort*)
And for every Fanboy that buys a t-shirt, we'll set you up on your first date. LOL!
There are 250+ comments after it, worth it if spare time=1 >:*)
Yes, I´m a fool.

LAYERED-x: Un robot mágico
Uno de los robots más sorprendentes durante la competencia Robo-One llevada a cabo en Tokio, Japón, fue LAYERED-X, desarrollado por Asurada.Su diseño único le permite renfigurar y transformarse a sí mismo de manera sorprendente.Al principio luce como una torre pequeña, luego se convierte en una especie de carrusel, para después convertirse en una "walking spider", y un robot bípedo de combate.
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