If Linus can, so can I. --t.
Creo que todo se reduce a aceptar. Aceptar que frente a mi hay filtros 2wire todavía empaquetados, un cable ethernet amarillo, un cable telefónico gris y un cable usb azul. Que frente a mi están pegados 20 post-its -13 rosas, 6 verdes y uno amarillo- y uno de ellos tine dibujada una happy face con la leyenda "para ti" de cuando Clarita me dejó una bolsita de kleenex de bolsillo en mi escritorio porque un día antes no podía parar de llorar por mi papá. Que la música que pocas veces puedo escuchar sin tener los audífonos puestos viene de unas bocinas cambridge soundworks viejísimas y buenísimas que se quedaron en mi casa y nunca fueron por ellas y nunca supe si eran mias o que. Pues aqui estan. Igual que un teléfono samsung color plata con negro en el que no están mis contactos ni mis fotos ni mis tonos porque mi sony ericcson pereció y ahora está en aquél mueble, en aquélla recámara fría, esperando que lo lleve a rescatar a un hospital de celulares. Aqui está la envoltura para llevar del baguette bbq que me comi frente al escritorio cuando ya no aguantaba el hambre, y la botella de 600 ml de coca light que comparti con una compañera de trabajo. Mi taza de la mujer maravilla y una botellite de crema para las manos Gilchrist & Soames que salió de algún buen hotel y que ahora viaja constantemente entre mi inmensa bolsa café nine west y mi escritorio. La bolsa es un regalo de mi novio. El ipod touch que descansa a su lado tambien.
Quito los cables. Los pongo en una caja de Infinitum.
Quedan debajo varias business cards: CT, GCN, Microsoft, select, CNSA, axtel, infonet... Las dejo en la base del monitor. Quedan volantes. Windows Vista. Los tiro.
Quito los post-its. Los tiro en la basura.
Me acabo la coca light. A la basura.
Tiro lo que quedaba de la comida.
Quedan un par de plumas que me robé de algun lado. Siempre me robo las plumas. Queda el post it de la happy face. Queda el mousepad naranja de lanix.
Tiro una emoción.
Tiro otra.
Las tiro todas.
Dedos fríos. Cold fingers. Tiro un ticket del SAMS.
What keeps me sane? there is dust in my desk. Too much dust.
I feel forgotten.
I have a dusty heart.
December 16, 2008
October 27, 2008
October 08, 2008
October 03, 2008
September 27, 2008
September 17, 2008
September 16, 2008
September 13, 2008
September 10, 2008
-¿Cómo se les dice a los diputados del PANAL?
September 05, 2008
September 02, 2008
tips for a happy birthday
dibújame sombría y bipolar
dibuja dolor
dibuja espasmo
dibuja el gusto amargo
el vacío
boceta el desencanto
traza lo que corroe mis entrañas
dibuja mi espectro
modela incertidumbre
la cicatriz
la huella
el recuerdo
el nudo en la garganta
el vientre silencioso
draw me naked
i do not like me
nor you
draw that instead.
dibuja dolor
dibuja espasmo
dibuja el gusto amargo
el vacío
boceta el desencanto
traza lo que corroe mis entrañas
dibuja mi espectro
modela incertidumbre
la cicatriz
la huella
el recuerdo
el nudo en la garganta
el vientre silencioso
draw me naked
i do not like me
nor you
draw that instead.
August 25, 2008
ther new alex?

funny games.
[talking to the viewers, breaking the fourth wall]
Paul: What do you think? Think they stand a chance?
August 22, 2008
urban myths
Is there such a thing as friends? Does it even exist, beyond the concept? There is people you like and you may see once in a while to share some time, stories, even ideas. Or to laugh and have a beer and hang out once in a while/year. Is that friendship, and if not, what it is? I suppose if I have to ask myself that it is because I do not have any true friends, or I am not a good friend myself, but does anybody, really? Maybe I am just incapable of it, as my test always say //does not play well with others//Still, I wish I did. I wish I were able to go out of the shell. Overall, I think it is selfishness, pure & raw. Mine, of course. I am just not good friend material. I like being alone, I actually crave it once I am in a social situation with people that distress me... //Now I sound autistic// But at the end of the day I do need them. I do feel lonely. Then I start talking to myself, & back, and think too much and never allow myself to do things like I did yesterday, just break the rules, go out and have a beer and laugh and be under the rain and bitch about whatever and talk about how you feel. Nothing happens, the world as it is known does not turn around. Everything was ok and fall in its place after it. But why the fear? What is wrong with me that I do not let myself be happy, or just at least be. Why am I always so stressed out? I am beggining to think I do need friends and laughs and fun and lightness and just get the fuck out of here. But I am much of a scared good little girl who pretends or wish to be bold strong woman. I have fears, and I feel lonely, and I have that sentiment that never in my life has ever let me go: Nobody likes me. This at 32. Another voice within, more quiet & more wise, tells me instead: It is you who do not like anybody, and no the other way around. All else it's a mirror.
I will keep pondering on this.
I will keep pondering on this.
August 21, 2008
surrealismo criollo

Sone que las mexicanas usaban burqa. La burqa era un saco de patatas. De esos amarillos de red.
He aqui my take on the matter (como exupery yo no se dibujar, o mas bien solo dibujo mujeres desnudas, asi que cmo el dibujo un elefante dentro deuna boa yo dbujo una mujer desnuda, dentro de un saco de papas):
August 20, 2008
only on myspace
i very like your picture you are most beatiful and sexy woman I have ever seen and you are very beatiful i want we to become friends make web cam sex my mail blexbey28@hotmail.com
no acepte imitaciones

the office (BBC).
I for one cant stand Steve Carrell ANYWHERE, but I do love Ricky Gervais. Extras is a must...
warning::must have a thing for british humor. also, faux documentary rules.
August 19, 2008
What's the thing between the dick and the asshole?

I am addicted to Weeds.
My problem is, after a Weeds I and Weeds II marathon on DVD, I need my season three fix like, now.
Gee. Wish I had my own dealer?
August 18, 2008
boy in a box

I want my martian wish.
David: So what made you think that I would be a good match for a boy who spends most of his time in a box?
The novelette the book is based on, written by David Gerrold, actually won the hugo and nebula awards (1994/95).
August 12, 2008

Aw. Lovely movie.
Jessie: [after their fight] Why didn't you tell me you were having an operation?
Maurice: I didn't want to cheer you up.
Ian: Do I look like a fool? Do I?
Ian: Answer me!
Maurice: Don't tempt me. I haven't had my tranquilizer yet.
August 11, 2008
children books wisdom #1
Sí, Polar estaba loco, estaba solo, estaba triste. Y ante los locos, los solos, los tristes, no cabe más que dejarlos a solas con su locura, su soledad su tristeza.
Miguel Buñuel
El niño, la golondrina y el gato
Ed. Doncel
La naturaleza era la vida, y él, sentado en su piedra mientras tomaba café, llegaba a considerarse tan importante, tan grande y tan pequeño a un tiempo, que no podía comprender cómo los hombres se empeñaban en hacinarse en las ciudades, respirando humo y engaños para sobrevivir en una existencia estúpida y absurda.
El arca de Noé
Alfonso Martínez-Mena
Ed. Doncel
August 08, 2008
August 07, 2008
Puzzles & me

I am currently obsessed with this game.
I am stuck with one of the last puzzles, though... And loving Professor Layton british accent failing one and every time.
Ohh! How embarrasing... Frankly... I am ashamed... I suposse I thought wrong...
August 02, 2008
The War Against Beer Pong
oh, please... I have some suggestions:
alcoholic congestion mezcal edition
sexual tourism south america edition
frying brain crystal edition
terminal illness without medical insurance MX edition
oh, please... I have some suggestions:
alcoholic congestion mezcal edition
sexual tourism south america edition
frying brain crystal edition
terminal illness without medical insurance MX edition
August 01, 2008
July 31, 2008
sergei prokofiev peter and the wolf
Won the oscar for best short animated film.
I am a stop motion whore.
July 30, 2008
July 28, 2008
bad poetry
Write rhymes. No, really.
Here is my example:
oh morpheus i love thee
you sting like a bee
i think we all agree
now i am going to pee
now for the follow up:
since the day that i meet you
i thought you were so beau
always go with the flow
and your eyes really glow
now i am writing you this rhyme
not doing so would be a crime
because you are on your prime
and i am running out of time
therefore, beautiful boyfriend
i wish you happy birth day
hope is all laughs and play
for your happiness i pray
so i showed this to my bf (morpheus) who is knee deep cleaning all his electronic toys after the bday party (we took them all out to the backyard to play rockband etc but that is another story), and he wrote the following:
my girlfriend is the best in the >world<
so... aw
Here is my example:
oh morpheus i love thee
you sting like a bee
i think we all agree
now i am going to pee
now for the follow up:
since the day that i meet you
i thought you were so beau
always go with the flow
and your eyes really glow
now i am writing you this rhyme
not doing so would be a crime
because you are on your prime
and i am running out of time
therefore, beautiful boyfriend
i wish you happy birth day
hope is all laughs and play
for your happiness i pray
so i showed this to my bf (morpheus) who is knee deep cleaning all his electronic toys after the bday party (we took them all out to the backyard to play rockband etc but that is another story), and he wrote the following:
my girlfriend is the best in the >world<
so... aw
July 27, 2008
July 25, 2008
Middle Finger Summer Remix 2008
Hmmm. So. I did my first remix yesterday. It is clumsy, but I did it on good will for my bf, who is into Rocky and MJ. Yes, I know... Warning: It would give anyone a headache... =) BTW, I did it with Audacity. Not exactly the best tool, but it did the job. I figure you can do almost everything profesionally, but I know almost zero about the science and art of remixing.
Who says we cannot include the new years song, Ramon Ayala version, on summer?
Anyway, we are giving copys to invitees on his b-day party tomorrow. Yoh, DJ t.
Elephant`s Dream

For the ones who downloaded Big Buck Bunny, here is the download link for Elephants Dream, one of the first open source movies. If no the first?
BTW still stuck with Venus at BK.
July 24, 2008
3 am y contando

Decía... Resfriado. No fui a Yoga. ¿Resultado? Insomnio. Beautiful Katamari se ha convertido en un duelo a muerte. Mis pulgares y mi cerebro insomne contra el rey del cosmos. Uh. I am no good at this game. Sleep... Must...
July 23, 2008
ratón de biblioteca

I cant stop reading this book by Khaled Hosseini. It truly is a page turner.
While I am at that, I am also reading some Mutis and a little of another weird spanish book i cant remember the name of, a instancias y como recomendación de lectura de verano de Carlos Sánchez. Intercambiamos. Le presté "El viento se llevará nuestras palabras" de Doris Lessing y "Pelando la cebolla" de Gunter Grass (i have a fixation with german writers).
Speaking of books, they are shockingly expensive, even with the unique price, matching the DF one. Two good books are 500 pesos at Crystal library. Ouch. So much for my Jostein Gaarder cravings. I was looking forward to read something, anything, from him, after Sophias World and the mistery of the solitary (ok, make it a fixation on european authors). I also found this one from anagrama editorial amusing. What?! It is on its 21th edition! =)
Hell, I`ll get them next time i hit downtown...
In other news I have a fucking cold. :*/ from hell :( today, so hard I even missed yoga. :S How the fuck am i supposed to do the crow this way?
July 18, 2008
July 16, 2008
July 05, 2008
July 03, 2008
July 02, 2008
calzones almidonados
I guess here are some signs of life. I just got back from a class of tai-chi at the Madero Park. Yes, you heard well. Exactly in front of the children park. About 30 fine ladies were there doing their thing and I swear I tried, but coordination is not my biggest feature. Before the class started, they were talking about how they put almidon on their husbands briefs....
June 27, 2008
To dream that you are telekinetic, represents a higher level of awareness and consciousness. You are not utilizing your full potential and need to start putting your stored energy levels and mental abilities to use. In other words, your dream may imply that you need to put your thoughts into action. For some, dreams of telekinetic powers may indicate your latent paranormal abilities.
June 06, 2008
June 04, 2008
June 01, 2008
I enjoyed the kinky performance. Even though I was surrounded by teenagers, emos, punks, wannabes or whatever they were or think they were, because actually they probably were not. Oh, and the cool people.
Does that mean I am becoming something I am not?
Do yoga sessions at down in the sand and hugs by strange people dressed in white by the sea, soften you?
Was it the waves I listened to all night before getting up at 5 AM? Maybe it was that I was just too tired.
It was free as in beer.
I even jumped/
It is like my heart felt... lighter? Like, Maxima FM lighter. Like sex in the morning lighter.
I dont know.
Maybe it is that I am just having good digestion. As Woody Allen would say, that is exciting.
I would bet on post traumatic shock.
Does that mean I am becoming something I am not?
Do yoga sessions at down in the sand and hugs by strange people dressed in white by the sea, soften you?
Was it the waves I listened to all night before getting up at 5 AM? Maybe it was that I was just too tired.
It was free as in beer.
I even jumped/
It is like my heart felt... lighter? Like, Maxima FM lighter. Like sex in the morning lighter.
I dont know.
Maybe it is that I am just having good digestion. As Woody Allen would say, that is exciting.
I would bet on post traumatic shock.
May 31, 2008
neo amish

I am not getting the Amazon kindle because I love books. And they can recycle ok?
I am still using my SonyEricsson Z600 because it works just fine and will keep it until the end.
I do not want an iphone. Anyway my bf got me an ipod touch already. Not that I need it. I am currently listening to my tapes, as in, analogic. I have a great collection I hardly ever listened enough the last 15 years/yay for reruns
I do not own a plasma or even LCD TV. I have a 21 inch flat screen CRT Sony and I love it. I will use it until it dies.
I do not have a cable, satellite or Internet suscription.
I am Talya Aluveaux, and I am a neoamish. *who uses her signature Second Life name to order pizza*
May 30, 2008

Today is Yoga at the beach day. I am all excited and about to go get my first yoga mat. It was about time. I just didnt think I deserved it because I never stick to anything. This time it looks like I do. To a class. That is something. We even rented a house and plan to do our thing at the sunset, and also when the sun rises. I guess it is gonna be fun. I dont really know anybody... But I crave the beach. The last time I went to Kino in group was, like, in college. So, cool.
May 29, 2008
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
Veredict: Beautiful, but utterly depressing. Still, powerful...Good. Worth watching. My advice is do not watch it by yourself.
Veredict: Beautiful, but utterly depressing. Still, powerful...Good. Worth watching. My advice is do not watch it by yourself.
May 28, 2008

Ayer ví "La Bestia Acorralada", de Alberto Mariscal, sin más background que se trata de una de las cintas de la colección de grandes directores mexicanos de los 70 y la sinopsis que venía en la contraportada. Algo más o menos así:
Costaba 50 pesos en el VH Satélite, y yo no tenía nada mejor que hacer. Qué más da. La compré, junto con Julieta de los Espíritus y el concierto de Quiet Riot (Live in Japan), todo al mismo precio. Es una de mis reglas. Prácticamente nunca compro ninguna película que cueste más de 50 pesos. Ni siquiera Pulp Fiction se salvó.
En los extras de la película venía la filmografía de Mariscal (el protagonista es Gabriel Retes), y que me topo con esto:
1974 La ley del monte
1974 La bestia acorralada
1974 Kalimán en el siniestro mundo de Humanón.
BTW. Ever tried the hobbit name generator? I am Primula Peatfingers of Brockenborings. Jeez...
May 26, 2008
May 25, 2008
May 24, 2008
I cannot even say how ambivalent I am about this short. What, now the yuppies save the world?? Break me a fucking give. NFB? Cannes? Eduardo Verastegui? Stop the madness! It was... embarrasing. Anyway, the tango is the same used by Tornatore in Il Postino... There it was beautiful. It was salty breeze. Here, it was... splenda. Mpfh... I guess no more Fellini for me?
May 23, 2008
Insectos metálicos
Todo estaba fríamente calculado. Primero pilates y luego yoga. Cuando cumpliera un mes. Ya lo cumplí, lo que significa que hoy estuve en una clase en que había algunas cabezas completamente canas, seguramente con mejor condición física que yo. Al frente, incienso y música relajante que no lograba opacar lo estridente del kickboxing de al lado. Bueno, habia que concentrarse como fuera, y allá voy, con las palmas juntas a donde dijera el maestro. Que me tome el dedo gordo del pie mientras estiro la pierna primero al frente y luego a la derecha mientras me sostengo con un precario equilibrio, seguro. Que suba aqui, que baje allá, que me contorsione. OK. Pude hacer casi todo menos lo de pararme de cabeza. Supongo que el pilates ayudo a que no llegara tan verde. Una cosa si se. De pilates salgo como araña fumigada y de yoga sali feliz, toda relajada y con mucha mas energia de la que habia traido las ultimas semanas. Y la gente de yoga es mas amigable. Ya hasta me invitaron a una sesion en kino para hacer yoga al amanecer la próxima semana. Ommmh... Hasta pensaron que ya habia hecho yoga antes. Viendolo bien, esta clase podria tener excelentes consecuencias kamasutricas. Ow.Just sayin.
May 22, 2008
Cómo quitar el pop corn del techo
No van a creer lo bajo que he caído. Bueno, sí lo creerán. Hoy cumplo un mes de ir sin falta (o casi) al gimnasio, concretamente a la clase de Pilates. Me inscribí en el horario de las 07:30 a las 8:30 de la mañana. Considerando que no tengo nada que hacer el resto del día, ya me dirán como me va con el masoquismo. La hora de Pilates es un infierno y cada ejercicio es peor que el otro o como dice una de las compañeras de clase: "Me tiemblan hasta las pestañas". Lo he pasado como he podido, con parches de Voltaren en lugares insospechados, pastillas de naproxeno sódico, muchas vitaminas y mucha agua. El resto del día lo dedico a leer, ver películas, cocinar, escuchar música y pensar (horror! no hace nada productivo!). Sòlo hay unas pocas reglas: Llamar a mi mamá una vez al día, no faltar a la clase de pilates y comer bien. Lo mejor posible. En realidad no he hecho grandes progresos, pero me siento un poco mejor. Un poco solamente. Hoy me dirigía a una tienda de pisos y a medio camino comencé a llorar incontrolablemente. Primero los dos lagrimones y luego el llanto convulsivo y en silencio, mientras atravesaba el Luis Encinas. No, todavía no estoy bien. Aunque esto es típico de mí. La lloradera. En fin. Lo que les decía que no me van a creer es que hoy voy a ir a la lucha libre. Es en serio, ya tengo mis boletos VIP y todo. Me los compró mi novio y me pidió que yo los guardara. Yo jamás hubiera pagado 600 pesos por ir a la lucha libre, pero él me los compró sin pensarlo. Supongo que no quiere verme triste. Yo sólo he dicho que me gusta el Místico. Y sí me gusta. Digo, lo poco que he visto. Es tan folklóricamente acrobático. Tan kitsch. Tan Santo y Blue Demon. Un amigo dice que es una copia del Rey Misterio. Yo que sé. Sólo sé que hoy a las 7:30 pm voy a estar sentada en segunda fila (ya no habia boletos para la primera) en el expo forum hipnotizada ante un cuadrilatero y un montón de tipos con máscaras y disfraces exóticos haciendo piruetas y probablemente bebiendome un vaso de cerveza. No voy a preguntarme qué estoy haciendo allí. Será mi primer experiencia con la lucha libre aparte de un que otro zapping en la TV, o las estampitas que vendían en la cooperativa cuando estaba en la Club de Leones. Supongo que, ante el trauma, todo se vale. Un excompañero del periòdico y ganador del premio nacional del periodismo, cuando dejo de trabajar, se lanzó al ring. ¿O qué, no han escuchado del famoso Dazaev?? :)
May 19, 2008
May 16, 2008
Back in 2004, I saw a japanese movie called "In the mood for love". Later, I have no idea how, I found that a sequel would be done. It iwas gonna be called 2046, and be released the same year (2004).
I found that movie last tuesday (four years later), and I finally saw it. It was somehow of a mess going back and forth to the past (50´s or so) and some distant future. It was about androids, lost of love and a sci-fi story. But mostly lost of love. Or how circunstances have a lot to do with it. At least I tought so. I dont think I really understood the movie anyway.
Lo bueno es que wikipedia con su magnífico reduccionismo explica en pocas palabras lo que a mi me dejó perpleja mientras trataba de adivinar quien era quien (siempre me pasa con las orientales) y me lleva de la mano al link oficial. Well, you know. Context is everything.
Since I have so much time in my hands (and are selfish enough not to give it to anyone else), I also saw the sci-fi channel take on the Wizard of Oz, called "Tinman". It is good. Too bad I do not have the sci fi channel.
So... The other movie of the selection (threee total, 45 pesos) was The Jane Austen BookClub. Ok, I have to admit I like some of Austin works, but I only am familiar with them because of movies or TV series (like the british Pride and Prejudice) or the Ang Lee Sense and Sensibility. Heck, I even watched "Becoming Jane". What can I say, I am a hopeless romantic. So the movie is good, but you have to be familiar with at least some of the books, otherwise I do not think it is going to be that entertaining.
While I am talking to myself here I am going to add that I did went to the (coincidence?) Mago de Oz concert here in Hermosillo, with the cheap ticket, of course, if you can call 300 cheap. A good amount of the misfits hermosillenses were there (I was there, right?), all with their black shirts and glasses of Corona. I didnt care enough to pay more, so I enjoyed the concert at a fair distance (safe from all the crazy slammers, I thought, but no, and I inhaled a lot of cannabis for sure) and tried to "be present" instead of hunting haunting thoughts and collecting them in my butterfly net so they can bite me (yeah, it is a wicked net).
Al final tocaron Fiesta Pagana, pero mi favorita es Molinos de Viento. Y ahora descubri que me gusta Locos de Atar.
Whatever. It was OK and it made me leave the house. I didnt even knew half of the songs. So fine. More than fine, except I couldnt get up today to my pilates class. Dammit. Hard being the wicked witch of the west.
I found that movie last tuesday (four years later), and I finally saw it. It was somehow of a mess going back and forth to the past (50´s or so) and some distant future. It was about androids, lost of love and a sci-fi story. But mostly lost of love. Or how circunstances have a lot to do with it. At least I tought so. I dont think I really understood the movie anyway.
Lo bueno es que wikipedia con su magnífico reduccionismo explica en pocas palabras lo que a mi me dejó perpleja mientras trataba de adivinar quien era quien (siempre me pasa con las orientales) y me lleva de la mano al link oficial. Well, you know. Context is everything.
Since I have so much time in my hands (and are selfish enough not to give it to anyone else), I also saw the sci-fi channel take on the Wizard of Oz, called "Tinman". It is good. Too bad I do not have the sci fi channel.
So... The other movie of the selection (threee total, 45 pesos) was The Jane Austen BookClub. Ok, I have to admit I like some of Austin works, but I only am familiar with them because of movies or TV series (like the british Pride and Prejudice) or the Ang Lee Sense and Sensibility. Heck, I even watched "Becoming Jane". What can I say, I am a hopeless romantic. So the movie is good, but you have to be familiar with at least some of the books, otherwise I do not think it is going to be that entertaining.
While I am talking to myself here I am going to add that I did went to the (coincidence?) Mago de Oz concert here in Hermosillo, with the cheap ticket, of course, if you can call 300 cheap. A good amount of the misfits hermosillenses were there (I was there, right?), all with their black shirts and glasses of Corona. I didnt care enough to pay more, so I enjoyed the concert at a fair distance (safe from all the crazy slammers, I thought, but no, and I inhaled a lot of cannabis for sure) and tried to "be present" instead of hunting haunting thoughts and collecting them in my butterfly net so they can bite me (yeah, it is a wicked net).
Al final tocaron Fiesta Pagana, pero mi favorita es Molinos de Viento. Y ahora descubri que me gusta Locos de Atar.
Whatever. It was OK and it made me leave the house. I didnt even knew half of the songs. So fine. More than fine, except I couldnt get up today to my pilates class. Dammit. Hard being the wicked witch of the west.
May 13, 2008
May 09, 2008
May 08, 2008
Life of Pi.
The book is going to be a movie most likely to not suck (directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet) in 2009.
The book is going to be a movie most likely to not suck (directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet) in 2009.
May 07, 2008
April 26, 2008
April 23, 2008
April 20, 2008
April 14, 2008
Calvin & Hobbes. La colección completa escaneada. Thank you Marcello....
April 12, 2008
April 08, 2008
April 07, 2008
March 13, 2008
January 09, 2008
January 05, 2008
Free Hugs Campaign @ HMO
I give the best ones in the world, but I am diabolically selective :)
No sé por qué razón, pero la verdad es que no puedo confiar en nadie que tenga mala ortografía o escriba de manera descuidada aunque sea deliberadamente. Me disgusta. Me repele. Ew. Soy una snob.
Se busca mucama para limpiar casa una vez a la semana. Es hora de que no encuento esposa sufrida que me haga el queacer asi que mi casa parece un basurero. Yo de plano no naci para lavar trastes, barrer, trapear, aspirar, tender camas ni nada de eso. Lo mas que puedo hacer es depurar de vez en cuando. Muy de vez en cuando.
He regresado de las fiestas decembrinas como una especie de ballena josefina, y ahora me debato en mi escritorio sobre las medidas correctivas a tomar. Comer menos. Hacer más ejercicio. Me lleva el demonio. Comer mejor. Fuck. It.
Estoy muy preocupada por mi padre y por mi abuela. Yo diría que más bien estoy asustada. De esas cosas en las que uno se la lleva pensando y luego trata de distraerse para volver otra vez a lo mismo, mientras el corazon late con fuerza. Yo no rezo, pero quisiera rezar. Y entonces mejor no hablo, y a veces lloro. Hay que tener paciencia. Hay que ser fuerte. El optimismo es una estupidez. Hay que ser realista. Hay que ser práctico. Ven. Por eso mejor guardo silencio.
Ya casi te olvido. Es más, a veces ni siquiera me acuerdo de ti. Bueno. Eso es una mentira por que todos los días pienso en tí aunque sea un ratito. Aunque sea como recordatorio de que existes, de que exististe y de que soy porque fuiste y que por algo pasan las cosas y que yo no era para ti y que tu no eras para mi y mira ya tienes dos hijos y eres feliz y yo jamas voy a poder comprometerme con nadie tal vez jamás me case o tenga un hijo o haga nada que valga la pena pero de un modo u otro creo que he vuelto a sentir amor cariño algo parecido y me siento bien pero de todos modos me siento rara y me acuerdo de ti, siempre vuelvo a acordarme de ti yo creo que olvidar es un arte imaginario pero al menos ya no me duele tanto ya no me duele me duele poco tal vez la mejor palabra es resignacion pero no lo es la verdad es que no hay palabra para eso que siento cuando me acuerdo de ti. A lo mejor en alemán.
Ni modo.
Se busca mucama para limpiar casa una vez a la semana. Es hora de que no encuento esposa sufrida que me haga el queacer asi que mi casa parece un basurero. Yo de plano no naci para lavar trastes, barrer, trapear, aspirar, tender camas ni nada de eso. Lo mas que puedo hacer es depurar de vez en cuando. Muy de vez en cuando.
He regresado de las fiestas decembrinas como una especie de ballena josefina, y ahora me debato en mi escritorio sobre las medidas correctivas a tomar. Comer menos. Hacer más ejercicio. Me lleva el demonio. Comer mejor. Fuck. It.
Estoy muy preocupada por mi padre y por mi abuela. Yo diría que más bien estoy asustada. De esas cosas en las que uno se la lleva pensando y luego trata de distraerse para volver otra vez a lo mismo, mientras el corazon late con fuerza. Yo no rezo, pero quisiera rezar. Y entonces mejor no hablo, y a veces lloro. Hay que tener paciencia. Hay que ser fuerte. El optimismo es una estupidez. Hay que ser realista. Hay que ser práctico. Ven. Por eso mejor guardo silencio.
Ya casi te olvido. Es más, a veces ni siquiera me acuerdo de ti. Bueno. Eso es una mentira por que todos los días pienso en tí aunque sea un ratito. Aunque sea como recordatorio de que existes, de que exististe y de que soy porque fuiste y que por algo pasan las cosas y que yo no era para ti y que tu no eras para mi y mira ya tienes dos hijos y eres feliz y yo jamas voy a poder comprometerme con nadie tal vez jamás me case o tenga un hijo o haga nada que valga la pena pero de un modo u otro creo que he vuelto a sentir amor cariño algo parecido y me siento bien pero de todos modos me siento rara y me acuerdo de ti, siempre vuelvo a acordarme de ti yo creo que olvidar es un arte imaginario pero al menos ya no me duele tanto ya no me duele me duele poco tal vez la mejor palabra es resignacion pero no lo es la verdad es que no hay palabra para eso que siento cuando me acuerdo de ti. A lo mejor en alemán.
Ni modo.
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