Back in 2004, I saw a japanese movie called "
In the mood for love". Later, I have no idea how, I found that a sequel would be done. It iwas gonna be called 2046, and be released the same year (2004).
I found that movie last tuesday (four years later), and I finally saw it. It was somehow of a mess going back and forth to the past (50´s or so) and some distant future. It was about androids, lost of love and a sci-fi story. But mostly lost of love. Or how circunstances have a lot to do with it. At least I tought so. I dont think I really understood the movie anyway.
Lo bueno es que wikipedia con su magnífico
reduccionismo explica en pocas palabras lo que a mi me dejó perpleja mientras trataba de adivinar quien era quien (siempre me pasa con las orientales) y me lleva de la mano al
link oficial. Well, you know. Context is everything.
Since I have so much time in my hands (and are selfish enough not to give it to anyone else), I also saw the sci-fi channel take on the Wizard of Oz, called "
Tinman". It is good. Too bad I do not have the sci fi channel.
So... The other movie of the selection (threee total, 45 pesos) was
The Jane Austen BookClub. Ok, I have to admit I like some of Austin works, but I only am familiar with them because of movies or TV series (like the british Pride and Prejudice) or the Ang Lee Sense and Sensibility. Heck, I even watched "Becoming Jane". What can I say, I am a hopeless romantic. So the movie is good, but you have to be familiar with at least some of the books, otherwise I do not think it is going to be that entertaining.
While I am talking to myself here I am going to add that I did went to the (coincidence?) Mago de Oz concert here in Hermosillo, with the cheap ticket, of course, if you can call 300 cheap. A good amount of the misfits hermosillenses were there (I was there, right?), all with their black shirts and glasses of Corona. I didnt care enough to pay more, so I enjoyed the concert at a fair distance (safe from all the crazy slammers, I thought, but no, and I inhaled a lot of cannabis for sure) and tried to "be present" instead of hunting haunting thoughts and collecting them in my butterfly net so they can bite me (yeah, it is a wicked net).
Al final tocaron Fiesta Pagana, pero mi favorita es
Molinos de Viento. Y ahora descubri que me gusta Locos de Atar.
Whatever. It was OK and it made me leave the house. I didnt even knew half of the songs. So fine. More than fine, except I couldnt get up today to my pilates class. Dammit. Hard being the wicked witch of the west.