March 16, 2005

Ex Boyfriends List

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Application for membership in Ex Boyfriends List

After reading what you've said about your Ex Boyfriends List,
I wonder if you could tell me how to apply for a place in it?

My motivation is not that I would like the cachet of being on the
list. Rather I hope that the application process, of being judged for
a place on the list, could be exciting or even joyous. If it takes you
some time to decide whether I belong on the list, I won't mind

I'm aware of the theoretical possibility that the process might not
reach a conclusion, that I might remain permanently in limbo pending a
decision about whether I am to become "ex". I know this is unlikely,
and I'm willing to take the risk.

For information about me, see my personal site,
My work is described in

Aww Stallman!!!!!

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