"I think they've done a terrific job," Schwarzenegger said of the "Minuteman" volunteers, who plan to expand to California in June. "They've cut down the crossing of illegal immigrants a huge percentage. So it just shows that it works when you go and make an effort and when you work hard. It's a doable thing."UGH.
April 29, 2005
Maybe we should terminate him
Meanwhile, at the Microsoft Global...
Automotive Summit:
Oh, now that would be news...Gates outlined a future in which software enables cars to fix themselves and never crash.
Con agua y jabón
-¡Dios mío! ¿No ves que estoy enferma, que sufro cosas atroces? No tienes idea de la pesadilla que acabo de tener...
-¿Por eso te bañaste? -preguntó Martín irónicamente.
-Sí, me bañé por la pesadilla.
-¿Se limpian con agua las pesadillas?
-Sí, Martín, con agua y un poco de detergente.
-¿Por eso te bañaste? -preguntó Martín irónicamente.
-Sí, me bañé por la pesadilla.
-¿Se limpian con agua las pesadillas?
-Sí, Martín, con agua y un poco de detergente.
April 28, 2005
Auto Vudú (Do it Yourself)
Hoy por la mañana estaba triste. Ahora estoy encabronada. Sobredosis de cafeína. Lack of food. Lack of sleep. Lack of love. Lack of life. Needles.
Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!!
A bit of humor, from my bookmarks, here.
April 27, 2005
Me va llenando como se llena un pozo. Y la polea para bajar el cubo no sirve.
Lo que faltaba.
FD, don´t watch TV!
T - Está bien, pero me recuerdas a Mafalda.
FD - :D
FD - acabo de ver mi futuro y el de mis hijos irse al caño en la tv :(
FD - y estoy triste y decepcionado por ello :(
T - I know.
FD - Es un anti-climax
FD - el bueno siempre si muere en la película
FD _ :(
T - bueno, eso le da el premio en sundance no?
FD - :D
FD - acabo de ver mi futuro y el de mis hijos irse al caño en la tv :(
FD - y estoy triste y decepcionado por ello :(
T - I know.
FD - Es un anti-climax
FD - el bueno siempre si muere en la película
FD _ :(
T - bueno, eso le da el premio en sundance no?
The development of C language
Dennis Ritchie supercute essay.
Modern Fairy Tales
Heh. I love flickr. Here is the text if you can´t read it:
"And so the prince married the beautiful princess...
Later, he divorced her and she died in a suspicious car wreck, so he proposed to the woman he had been running around with for thirty years and she became the princess consort. The End".
Follow me to nightmare Land
It starts by looking at the clock. Then by thinking about you. You, the clock, you. The clock. Your smile. Your smile is a ghost. My life is a series of pixels and ASCII characters with a hint of sun and blue sky. I love a park in the night, and to see the moon through trees without leaves. Thru death. The moon thru death. I like midnight. The silence slightly broken once in a while. The awareness. I see the moon pass by my window. Your mind. Your mind is a cumule of stars I get to see thru the telescope of mine. So far away I´m ever sure if what I see is what it is or only the eco of millions of years. My heart. Alive and I´m always suprised by it. I´m a river constantly flowing to the ever changing you but never reaching you. Cliché. I am a kiss asleep. I´m a blury scream. My bed is to big and too white. It looks too much like a jail. I´m burning in desire. I cannot have you. I love you. This is insane. Over the pillow, above the pillow, between the pillow. Breathe. See the clock. Destroy the clock. Drink the night. Drink your memory. Swallow it. Oh my head. ..... the house is falling apart, this rain will never stop, it is all ruins now... No! He can´t be dead! He can´t! I then wake up, with an unbelievable pain, and this alien (my heart) beating like a tribal drum warning danger.
I´m alone. It is morning. I have tears. And I hate nightmares.
I´m alone. It is morning. I have tears. And I hate nightmares.
April 25, 2005
Not only is it a wholly remarkable book, it is also a highly successful one — more popular than the Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than Fifty More Things to do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway?
Heh. Someone posted the entire text here. The new trailer is hilarious.
Yes, I´m a freak.
Monday morning (inventario)
Un corazón oprimido. Apenas dos horas de sueño.
Tres tazas de café cargado. Dos horas de Ernesto Sábato.
A favor.
Tengo el alma descompuesta. Se me apaga a cada rato.
Must be a bug in the kernel.
Un corazón oprimido. Apenas dos horas de sueño.
Tres tazas de café cargado. Dos horas de Ernesto Sábato.
A favor.
Tengo el alma descompuesta. Se me apaga a cada rato.
Must be a bug in the kernel.
April 23, 2005
¿Hay algo más divertido que insultar sin que se den cuenta que insultaste porque son incapaces de comprender el insulto?
Heh. Amusing...
Heh. Amusing...
April 22, 2005
Oh! Edward Grossman baby talk, I mean, editorial, to readers of acm queue. How cute!
April 21, 2005
April 20, 2005
His delusion is the key to reason
Oh, excellent, excellent article on Don Quixote at Prospect Magazine.
April 16, 2005
Le he puesto a mi corazón su última dosis de anestesia local. Me pregunto cuánto tiempo durará esta vez.
April 14, 2005
Whew. It seems like the guys at Guardian Unlimited have been doing their homework lately. Yet another interesting article from them.
Well, how will it all end? I vote human stupidity, so among all the options portrayed by the Guardian, terrorism and nuclear war are in my opinion the worst. Viral pandemic and climate change are in the like, though.
{I´m still thinking on the last one! Some of the comments about what everybody should know about science are interesting, and almost all are amusing. For some reason I can´t take out of my head the words of one of them talking about how science can help as to live in a better way in this pointless universe...}
Well, how will it all end? I vote human stupidity, so among all the options portrayed by the Guardian, terrorism and nuclear war are in my opinion the worst. Viral pandemic and climate change are in the like, though.
{I´m still thinking on the last one! Some of the comments about what everybody should know about science are interesting, and almost all are amusing. For some reason I can´t take out of my head the words of one of them talking about how science can help as to live in a better way in this pointless universe...}
April 13, 2005
Life Lessons
What is the one thing everyone should learn about science? Spiked asked 250 scientists. The Guardian published some of the most provocative responses here.
April 10, 2005
I had a couple of beers last night, enough for me to be on a hangover today. While looking up to the roof, I realized that my imaginary friend was an imaginary number.
1up! Seven deadly sins. Sins! Fuck. I`m in love. No wait. I`m drunk.
April 08, 2005
Sonata in F
-Wake up!
-(I´m more awake that you will ever be.)
Alfredo, missing. The pope, dead & buried. Obrador, jail? (wtf) Eclipse at 2:00 pm.
Giving flyers away in the streets of the city this morning. Temperature: 35 °C.
I have a huge headache.
"One Hundred Years of Uncertainty". Nice article of Brian Greene @ NYT
Goa-Psy Freak. Yet another lonely friday. Bed Stories.
David Stove.
And, that´s all for tonight.
One more last thing. Oh, C´mon, it is SANS!
-(I´m more awake that you will ever be.)
Alfredo, missing. The pope, dead & buried. Obrador, jail? (wtf) Eclipse at 2:00 pm.
Giving flyers away in the streets of the city this morning. Temperature: 35 °C.
I have a huge headache.
"One Hundred Years of Uncertainty". Nice article of Brian Greene @ NYT
Goa-Psy Freak. Yet another lonely friday. Bed Stories.
David Stove.
And, that´s all for tonight.
One more last thing. Oh, C´mon, it is SANS!
April 07, 2005
April 06, 2005
I know, I know dear hypotetic reader. It is not your fault that I write about tech, and that I´m on my "casting" phase, but this collection of podcasts seems to be worth listening.
Don´t do it, though. Wait until I pick the best ones. Oh weell do it! Fine! Don´t wait! :P
Don´t do it, though. Wait until I pick the best ones. Oh weell do it! Fine! Don´t wait! :P
The Silk Road Ensemble
Here is the preview of the new album of Yo-Yo-Ma. I love Mohini (enchantment).
This is bizarre. A coworker is missed/lost/ since saturday. The one who covered public safety and narcotrafic.
Ugh. >:*(
This is bizarre. A coworker is missed/lost/ since saturday. The one who covered public safety and narcotrafic.
Ugh. >:*(
April 05, 2005
April 04, 2005
April 03, 2005
Last night, I saw a wonderful movie by Takeshi Kitano. I thought it was beautiful, but, as it often happen, I was left to see it by myself as everyone else thought it was too weird.
Here is the link to it.
April 01, 2005
Drencrom Lollipop
"This learned veck said the usual veshces, about no parental discipline, as he called it, and the shortage of real horrorshow teachers who would lambast bloody beggary out of their innocent poops and make them go boohoohoo for mercy. All this was gloopy and made me smeck, but it was like nice to go on knowing one was making the news all the time, O my brothers. Every day there was something about Modern Youth, but the best veshch they ever had in the old gazetta was by some starry pop in a doggy collar who said that in his considered opinion, and he was govoreeting as a man of Bog, IT WAS THE DEVIL THAT WAS ABROAD and was like ferreting his way into like young innocent flesh, and it was the adult world that could take the responsibility for this with their wars and bombs and nonsence. So that was all right. So he knew what he talked of, being a Godman. So we young innocent malchicks could take no blame. Right right right."
A Clockwork Orange, Page 41.
A Clockwork Orange, Page 41.
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