I vow to believe you.
I vow to never say no when your friends ask you out.
I vow to watch the box with you every saturday night.
I vow to read your essays and papers, even your thesis protocol. Without complaining.
I vow to go running with you. Or walking. Or cycling. Or whatever.
I vow to ever be amazed by the miracle of your existance, and the beat of your heart.
I vow to hold you in my arms when you need to rest in them.
I vow to always give you my shoulder when you need it to cry.
I vow to laugh with you.
I vow to listen.
I vow to care.
I vow to think before talk.
I vow to always discover in your smile the smile of the little kid you were, and sometimes still are.
I vow to never lose the little girl in mine.
I vow to trust you.
I vow to be there.
I vow to take your hand.
I vow to cover you up when its cold. And cool you down when is hot.
I vow to carry you in my heart if I am ever phisically away.
I vow to be brave.
I vow to be kind.
I vow to calm down.
To M. And to me.
tomorrow: I dont vow... I
I vow to be your shelter anytime you need it
XD Neitherman, espero que eso haya sido un awwwww jajaja
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