June 04, 2005

Most harmful books? O.ô

Now I must read them all.

Thank you guys for giving me a new reading list.

What now? Are you burning them?

Of all of them, I have only read "The Second Sex", a book them seem to consider like the beginning of the feminist movement. Well all I read in that book was truths, truths and more truths, specially coming from where I come, a small town in the sonora desert. (The Capital, dad took it away from my hands at 15 saying it would be bad for me. I had it almost finished, though, I missed one or two pages, maybe. Heh. I had to read it at the light of a small little lamp next to my bed because lights were not allowed after past 9:30 pm or so... SO I managed >:*) Imagine the nightmare of going to bed at that hour for a nocturne being like me)



The only one I´m more than ambivalent of is Mein Kampf, I mean, of reading it.

But yes, I would probably read it if I had it.

And no, I´m not feminist.


Edo said...

Harmful to what? O_o

Talya said...

bulldog $ to their little, conservative short sighted vision of the world?

stevieb $ Not that I need the encouragement >;*)