It was true!YAY! My first Google talk will pass to history as a complaining that I can´t change my nick. Does anybody know yet how to do that?
Thanks, FD! And... Kajun, for the invites ;*)
I saw the servers working functional yesterday, it was possible to use them with any Jabber compliant client, like GAIM. Lots of people were using it since the related post at digg :*9
Good bye MSN :P
I hope you noticed the time of my post. Zivlog wins!!!
Ehm... tu nick es el nombre que escribes en la informacion de la cuenta. Solo modificala.
ziv $ Yeah well... Mine was cuter.
edo $ I know. I know. Already changed it. But that was my first line on Google Talk. Imagine. I saw "Socorro" there.... Ew! How can I change my nick!!! FD told me and of course I assumed it after the initial shock. Damn I hate my name ;*)
My code was early and an efficent use of information content per bit.
Now that I have a stripped down version of an IM app. I have begun to also strip down the use of superfluous verbage. Who needs all those words/features anyway? When was the last time you used the video/audio chat of MSN?
So now that I have explained myself, here is my reply to your reply...
"{Cute blog && Love you} == TRUE"
Enough said.
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