So... I´m Talya, and I´m a stinking coffee addict. It has been only a couple of days since I quitted, and my head is absolutely killing me, like never before, and trust me, it has been really HARD before.
My back neck is killing me, the tension is built in my muscles and I feel like I´m going to explode. I´m super thirsty and I can´t sleep at all. This is really weird. My mouth is dry...
Plus, I´m drowsy all the time, and unable to concentrate. See I pass the coffee machine now, and stop only to fill my arrowhead bottle with more water. eww. water. so... my life sucks, and I can´t have coffee anymore.
Here we can see the effects of a normal drug addict who tries to quit... ñoro O_oU
'Ta bien que lo dejes, cuando menos un poco; como combustible de emergencia esta bien, pero como motor principal... la cafeina es al humano algo parecido a los tanques de oxigeno liquido del transbordador. Katapumchis! @_@
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: [narrating] I wished that I'd gone down instead of Spud. Here I was surrounded by my family and my so-called mates and I've never felt so alone. Never in all my puff. Since I was on remand, they've had me on this program, this state sponsored addiction. Three sickly sweet doses of methadone a day instead of smack. But it's never enough. And at the moment it's nowhere near enough. I took all three this morning and now I've got eighteen hours to go until my next shot. I've got sweat on my back like a layer of frost. I need to visit the Mother Superior for one hit. One final hit to get us over this long, hard day. (trainspotting)
Apenas voy a cumplir una semana descafeinada. Y ya hasta me pegó una gripa horrible. Awww. My head. Spins. My ears. Hurt.
Y entonces me imagino una taza de café caliente. Ahhh. Hmmm. Yumm.
Right. Pseudoephedrin. Antibiotics. Vitamin C. Industrial amounts of water. Heading to the candy machine.
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