January 14, 2006


Estar sin tí es una tortura permanente, lenta y dolorosa, que mata, pero no mata.

Es un poco como el castigo que le impusieron a Prometeo.

No se como no se me acaban las entrañas.



Los Elmers said...


(me sorteas la imaginacion)

Edo said...

No exactamente el mismo, pero...

"I will follow Albert Camus' injunction, in his portrayal of another mythic figure endlessly attempting to push a rock up a hill: one should imagine Sisyphus happy"

Talya said...

kaju $ no es como que se necesite demasiada...

edo $ Ough.


I hate that mythic figure. It is the worst...

At least P stole the fire and give it to men. Something good out of his now eternal misery.

But the eternal effort for nothing? I used to think life was exactly like that myth, but I´m not so sure about it now.

Well, in my obscure days I do. But even then deep down I feel it is not true, and I´m still stealing something. I just don´t know what exactly. I´m on it...