August 05, 2005


A Rubik's Cube can have (8! × 38−1) × (12! × 212−1)/2 = 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different positions (~4.3 × 1019), about 43 quintillion, but it is advertised only as having "billions" of positions, due to the general incomprehensibility of that number. Despite the vast number of positions, all cubes can be solved in 29 moves or fewer.

Ok. I can´t f*cking solve it. I´m way getting into the obsession phase...

Sh*t. Must... do it...


Los Elmers said...

un clavo saca a otro clavo

Talya said...

Vade Retro, Satan!

Anonymous said...

Rubik! Que recuerdos... alguna vez llegue a resolverlo en 5 minutos, pero ya perdi la practica.
Lo que si jamas resolvi fue el juego del cubo Rubik en Atari 2600... en tv a blanco y negro :S
