November 30, 2004

Rule Breaker

Alpha what? I always prefer the dark side of the moon.

Comfort 0 Pleasure 1

No IM at work. Irony. Ad nauseam.

Monsieur Lautrec, ¿cómo hace la gente para vivir?


November 27, 2004


Christmas approaching.

+Auto Grinch mode SETUP+



November 25, 2004

Go * Firefox * Go

Ahem. IE market share below 90%. Oh yes.


The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it".

The Weiss book is being disgusting at times, but it is irreverent and cynical. So... I will keep reading.

No se enamoren. Off.

November 24, 2004


I finally slept well. One of those kind of sleeps I only have once or twice a year! Strange thing. Anyway. I started reading a suprisingly good book today. Quite amusing.

It is called "Las cucarachas no tienen rey", and it is from Daniel Evan Weiss. A delight, so far... (only pg 45, tough) I will post the prelude some of these days. Off.

"The road up and the road down is one and the same."


On JFK Reloaded. I say, let´s make a Sims Auschwitz. O.ô. Odd.

November 23, 2004


Desvelada. Desvelada. Desvelada


Praised be the holy grilled cheese sandwich! Sold! hahahaha
{Updated} $28K. Oh wow. This is so hilarious.


"La palabra más soez y la carta más grosera son mejores, son más educadas que el silencio."

@Friedrich Nietzsche.

November 22, 2004


Esta es la ilustración que viene en el libro "El clan de los insomnes", de Vivian Abenshushan. Lo acabo de terminar y no sé... Empezó bien, pero se diluyó. En fin. Imaginación, eso sí, no le falta. Y la primera parte ciertamente me arrancó algunas sonrisas. Hay por allí, también, una que otra frase memorable. Anyway. It is from TusQuets/Colección Andanzas. Off.


...La personalidad como una caverna colmada de extraños, la idea de que nos habita un traidor encubierto que se guía por impulsos contrarios a los nuestros...


I just saw "In the mood for love". It is an exquisite movie, but then again, maybe it seems so only because I am. In the mood, that is. The soundtrack is beautiful.

The site of the movie is here:

November 20, 2004

Moon Pix

Ok. I am back. Navojoa people is great. I felt overwhelmed by their kindness. Conference was ok. I was really tired, though, but it finally worked out. Got a bunch of questions from students.

So, I am a loser. haha I spent all friday night browsing the net, DL music and thinking.

Right now, I am listening to Chopin. Concerto No. for Piano & Orchestra. It is delicious., hey, that is where I am going right now! I know, I am hopeless.

If you did not write every day, the poisons would accumulate and you would begin to die or act crazy, or both.
@Ray Bradbury

November 17, 2004

November 16, 2004


Well where was I? Oh yes, the sadness. Nevermind that. Shall we move on to humiliation? Yes, please. Ok, I lost against my 12 year old cousin a chess game yesterday. Ugh! Yeah. Plus, I had to stay 4+ hours in a *meeting* listening to what? non stop nonsense? Yes. What else? Well I have to be ready to give a conference next thursday. On what? Learning organizations. *Can you talk about Microsoft products* Yes I can, but I wont. Ok. Oh btw you are going to be the opening talk, the guy from MS couldnt make it. *That sucker* Ok. Bring it on. Just bring it on. I just came into my house and at the moment I was opening the door, there was a blackout. No lights. Fortunately I knew where the lighter was and I have some candles, so I was not in the darkness anymore *sort of* That was funny because two days ago I watched how the bulb of my room stopped working. It keep going until it died. What are this light things trying to tell me anyway? Oh well. Off.

November 14, 2004


Un reloj en la nieve

blanca y blanda

acumulada bajo un roble seco

marca las horas

que mojan las lágrimas

de tí.

como la nieve

besas mi rostro

mi cuerpo


hasta cubrirme

en una montaña helada

con apenas un esbozo

rojo sangre

en la cima

para sugerir

que alguna vez

hubo vida


*Jamás pensé que podría soportar tanta tristeza.

November 13, 2004


"There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them. "
@André Gide

Wonderful breakfast alone today. Got asked twice if I was expecting someonelse. I was tempted to ask, you mean literally, or metaphorically?

I didn´t of course. The poor weitress has no fault I am living in a perpetual nonsense.

Started reading "El clan de los insomnes". Wow, long time I didnt read anything from a mexican author. It is really good, so far.

Off. Gotta work.


"Ours is no bloody battle / With woe and horror fraught / Our joust is of a gentler kind / A measuring of Mind with Mind / A tournament of thought. "

@Willard Fiske


No voy a llorar.No voy a llorar.No voy a llorar.No voy a llorar. Shit.

November 12, 2004

More reading...

Silk, by Alessandro Baricco.

Lovely little novel. Peculiar, though. I read it in about an hour, and it was a pleasure.

Also, finally watched Battle Royale. Beautiful & Disturbing. My kind of thing.

*Loved the scene in the light house. And how about the smile of the girl at the beggining...

November 08, 2004


Alza tu copa conmigo. Brindo por mi nuevo credo, el cual consiste, básicamente, en no creer.

Salud. Brindemos por mi alma moribunda.


"Hay momentos que contienen eones de separación. Sin embargo, separarse no es sino una ilusión de la mente. Acaso nunca nos hayamos separado".


November 07, 2004


Si fumara, hoy habría sido un día de tres cajetillas.

Caída libre. Y tan cansada, que no haré nada para evitarlo. Una sensación de miedo, de ese miedo que paraliza, devora mis entrañas. Mi pecho es una antorcha de un fuego violento, abrasador, inagotable. No lo apaga la lluvia, no lo apaga el viento, no lo apagan cenizas, no lo apaga otro fuego, no lo apaga nada. Acabará por matarme.
Caigo en espiral, e inmersa en una completa oscuridad, llevo una estaca clavada en mi alma. Se que lloro, porque un líquido caliente besa mi piel, e incontables espejismos de tí se precipitan conmigo al abismo.
Ojos arenosos, vidrios rotos en el alma, sienes palpitantes, ensueño febril: Soñé que te amaba. Soñé que besaba el milagro de tus labios. Que mordía tu boca. Que adoraba tu piel. Soñe que dibujaba tu cuerpo con el cincel de mis manos. Y miraba tus ojos. Y miraba tu alma. Y cantaba, enmudecida, una canción de amor, canción de destino, que iba a perderse en el manantial de un anhelo milenario.

Y no más arrinconarse y cavilar,
sobre el amargo misterio del amor.

No, really...

Break-up lines from various philosophical schools

Wonderful, funny list of break-up lines grounded in different philosophical schools.
The Teleologist: We aren't meant for each other. (P.K.)
The Deontologist: We aren't right for each other. (P.K.)
The Consequentialist: We aren't optimal for each other. (P.K.)
The Solipsist: It's not you, it's me. (P.K.)
The Empiricist: I think we should see other people. (P.K.)
The Rationalist: I'm not a priority to you any more. (P.K.)
The Rationalist, v 2.0: I've been doing some thinking... (Paul Audi)
The Rationalist, v. 3.0: If you can't see your faults, there's nothing more I can say. (P.K.)
The Content Externalist: Ever since we moved, you've changed. (Paul Audi)



Done with it. Great book.

November 04, 2004

Enfermedad Profesional

...Se quejaba el director de que, de resultas de los intensos ensayos, padecía insomnio crónico, puesto que era incapaz de controlar el estruendo de la orquesta que sonaba sin cesar en su cabeza...


November 03, 2004

Worthless nonsense

Four stages of acceptance:

i) this is worthless nonsense;
ii) this is an interesting, but perverse, point of view;
iii) this is true, but quite unimportant;
iv) I always said so.

Quote from J.B.S. Haldane. I didnt knew he was a good friend of Huxley. He actually inspired some concepts for Brave New World.

I´m excited. Don´t know exactly why, though.

November 02, 2004

Room Clearance

Found this match box among a bunch of useless stuff in my room.

I thought it was funny when I get it somewhere, just dont remember where...

Las Vegas, maybe? Oh well... Just saw "My life without me". I loved it.

Off to try to find some way to feel less lonely.

November 01, 2004

Good Old Wilde

No puedo quitarme de la mente el ruiseñor, sacrificándose a sí mismo en el nombre del amor, y para qué, para nada. Ah... El viejo Wilde. Cuánta razón tenía.

Got a new book. Liquidation, by Imre Kertész. Interesting, so far.

"Entonces entré en casa y escribí:
Es medianoche.
La lluvia azota los cristales.
No era media noche.
No llovía."

BECKET, Molloy

02.11.04@Kill Bush