January 10, 2005

Geek Break Up Lines

11. (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail? R
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail? R
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail? F
Relationship failed.

10. Now that Half Life 2 is out, I need to refocus my priorities.

9. You have been unsubscribed from my dating list. Please click this link to confirm.

8. I need a lover who understands that 20 hours a day on the Internet is normal.

7. I don't think we should date any more, but we can still be on each other's buddy lists.

6. I'd like a true beauty so I don't have to spend so much time photoshopping your ugly face out of our photos.

5. It's like in X-Men number 135, where Cyclops and Jean Grey (as The Phoenix)...

4. Let's face it. You love Intel, and I'm an AMD man. It's not going to work out.

3. What do you mean your EULA says that once I've removed the shrink wrap I can't return it?

2. After you e-mailed me your full-body shot, I realized I was looking
for someone more feminine.

1. So long and thanks for all the fish.

@It is not that I am cold hearted, it is just that I wish I were. At least a little. Oh, forget it. All right... Newsgator... Newsgator... Concentration... Oh, this is a great pharagraph from the book "El libro de un hombre solo", written by Gao Xingjian:

"Los recuerdos, enterrados por el tiempo en su memoria, emergían poco a poco cuando evocaba un fragmento, como una red cuando sale del agua -basta con tirar de un pedazo para que le siga el resto-, y se extiende hacia el infinito, con las mallas enlazadas, a veces tan invisibles como desaparecidas. Algunos momentos y hechos de distintas épocas resurgieron al mismo tiempo, y era imposible saber por dónde cogerlos, imposible encontrar el hilo conductor para hacerlos remontar a la superficie y clasificarlos; además, era imposible esclarecerlos. La vida humana es una red que querrías deshacer, nudo tras nudo, pero al final sólo consigues una madeja de hilos enredados. Y eres incapaz de desenredar esas cuentas caóticas que la vida representa".

I predict I will be done with this book really quickly :*)

Ok. Newsgator. Concentration. Off.

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