June 20, 2005

MSN Search Local Beta

They are catching up with A9, Yahoo and Google blah blah blah

What is really interesting is the integration with Virtual Earth (actually they shoud call it virtual US, since it only works for this country)

Steve Lombardi says they have big plans for other countries, though. Wow. Virtual Earth has been developed for around 10 years.

"I think we should close be finding your house",
that´s what Lombardi says to the camera guy at the video in channel 9. (I watched it all. Yeah I have no life. Wait. This kind of stuff is my life. Oh no! I love my work! YEAH AND IT HELPS ME TO FORGET HOW SICK MY FAMILY MAKES ME FEEL SOMETIMES)

So, this is what Microsoft does best. They buy cool companies, and then put their sticky hands in them, usually making them uncool. I hope they dont ruin this one.

Hmmm. Does this satellite maps with ULTRA zoom features mean I can make "virtual" shooting of random people??? I mean, look at them! The people look like cute little targets!


(Sola en redacción. Y me acabo de despachar una bolsa de Doritos con salsita chamoy -alguien la dejó en el comedor- y una pepsi light. De la otra ya no había en la maquinita. TV on. Phones still ringing. But I dont answer >:*) Estoy nerviosa!!!


Mike said...

Me suena muy familiar cuando por alla del '95-'96 MSFT compro a Frontpage.

Muy impresionante, eso si.

Oye, a esa hora no espantan en tu oficina? El menu suena muy propio de cualquier oficina, eso si. Daria lo que fuera porque aqui vendieran Pepsi, venden Coca Cola y mi organismo tiene una reaccion de rechazo a la Coca Cola Light.

I love my job too, regardless of what;s going on outside.

Trouble in paradise?

Talya said...

Yes and now FrontPage equals sucky HTML code of hell.

Dicen que si espantan, pero yo tengo algunos fantasmas de caracter propietario que terminan por inmunizar mi área de trabajo jajaja

Not exactly trouble. A little bit of too much stuff going on maybe.


Mike said...

Ayer me acorde de este post y su propietaria, porque en la farmacia Kink cerca de aqui venden Pepsi Light. Y me compre una para completar la experiencia.

Tal vez los fantasmas de la oficina si te llevaron lejos ... no new posts ... como estas?

Mike said...

Creo que quise decir "Farmacia Kino" ... lo otro definitivamente no hay por aqui.

Estos malditos teclados nuevos de DELL no me parecen mucho..

Mike said...

onde andas, niña? En Huasabas?
