June 01, 2008

I enjoyed the kinky performance. Even though I was surrounded by teenagers, emos, punks, wannabes or whatever they were or think they were, because actually they probably were not. Oh, and the cool people.

Does that mean I am becoming something I am not?

Do yoga sessions at down in the sand and hugs by strange people dressed in white by the sea, soften you?

Was it the waves I listened to all night before getting up at 5 AM? Maybe it was that I was just too tired.

It was free as in beer.

I even jumped/

It is like my heart felt... lighter? Like, Maxima FM lighter. Like sex in the morning lighter.

I dont know.

Maybe it is that I am just having good digestion. As Woody Allen would say, that is exciting.

I would bet on post traumatic shock.

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