Un montón de hojas secas, con esos colores ocres que tanto me gustan, se arremolinaban bajo el sube y baja. Llegaba a un jardin. Era tarde. Era otoño. Mire el sube y baja y desee subir, pero no había nadie más. ¿Cómo podría? No había forma de balancearse sin nadie más. El sube y baja estaba ahí, grande e inutil. Nadie venía a jugar. Y yo me eché a llorar, sentada bajo el sube y baja, revolviendo las hojas secas.
Fue entonces que la vi. La luna, enorme, en el cielo, parecía un fotomontaje. La silueta de un árbol, completamente desnudo, se recortaba en su vientre. Y de él pendía un columpio.
Un columpio. No necesitaba un compañero de juegos para un columpio... Podía impulsarme sola... Me levanté y fui hacia él. Use mis pies para impulsarme y poco. Dejé caer mi cabeza hacia atrás y sentí la brisa mientras comenzaba el vaivén. La luna me miraba, el árbol bostezó. Y una ráfaga de viento alborotó las hojas secas, levantando columnas danzarinas con los colores del atardecer, en el jardin, gris como las nubes tras las que la luna, por momentos, palidecía.
The last tear was dry, and I`d keep swinging. Back and forth.
Me parece que fabriqué un humanoide. Parecía realmente humano, aunque su rostro era inexpresivo. Lo bañé y lo cambié. Me pidieron que le cambiara la camisa. Criticaron la forma en que cuidaba de él. Cambié la camisa. Lucía realmente bien. Lo entregué.
Llevaba zapatillas de ballet y un delantal blanco. Su rostro de madera parecía esbozar una sonrisa. Era una marioneta. Suspendida por hilos atados a sus manos y pies, cuya cabeza caía, de lado. Dormía. Pero empezaba a despertar.
February 27, 2005
February 24, 2005
Google just said,
Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in a minute or so.
I've come not to expect fallibility from Google. Reading that message was like looking at the sky and seeing an announcement that the Sun had experienced "a temporary error".
I am quoting Doc Searls, from his blog here
It has never happened to me yet =)
Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in a minute or so.
I've come not to expect fallibility from Google. Reading that message was like looking at the sky and seeing an announcement that the Sun had experienced "a temporary error".
I am quoting Doc Searls, from his blog here
It has never happened to me yet =)
February 21, 2005
No, really
¿Lágrimas de lava volcánica? ¿What was I thinking? Hahahaha Ok. Maybe I was drunk. No I wasnt. Oh Uhm. Maybe drunk of emotions. Hmmm Yeah Perhaps. Ok, I´ll forgive me and move on.
Er... How about "vodka tears". Or... "abstract tears".... Yeah. It can definitely get worst. Enough already.
I am a bit sad, so I will do what any normal freak would do, drawn myself at work. Work Work Work. So... LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. That will be my subject today. And tagging. But tagging is boring. Aww anyway, this application won the best open source solution and best of show at the LinuxWorld Excellence Awards. Yeah, it is a free content management system. It seems to be pretty good. Seems like Open Source app namers are very into latin stuff. Samba, Mambo... =) What´s next? Tango?
I need a beer or something.
No, I need to sleep.
Yeah. That is what I need.
Er... How about "vodka tears". Or... "abstract tears".... Yeah. It can definitely get worst. Enough already.
I am a bit sad, so I will do what any normal freak would do, drawn myself at work. Work Work Work. So... LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. That will be my subject today. And tagging. But tagging is boring. Aww anyway, this application won the best open source solution and best of show at the LinuxWorld Excellence Awards. Yeah, it is a free content management system. It seems to be pretty good. Seems like Open Source app namers are very into latin stuff. Samba, Mambo... =) What´s next? Tango?
I need a beer or something.
No, I need to sleep.
Yeah. That is what I need.
February 18, 2005
Esta soy yo. Corazón de plomo y lágrimas de lava volcánica. Es mi alma solitaria la que danza en la oscuridad de la noche, susurrando tu nombre a las estrellas, al borde del abismo, rozando la locura, ardiendo en una hoguera de hielo.
La Separation
If I am a puppet, and there is a puppeteer, I want to tell him to go fuck himself.
Wonderful piece of music here.
Wonderful piece of music here.
February 17, 2005
One with the freaks
Well now I am hooked up with some of the webcomics I read about. Here is a list of the best of 2004 according to The Examiner.
I particulary enjoyed Copper... But certainly all the others deserve a look.
I particulary enjoyed Copper... But certainly all the others deserve a look.
Sense of the Comic
I read the essay "Sense of the Comic" from Edward G. Ballard while writing an article on webcomics. Found it really good. But the most interesting thing is that it is part of the Dictionary of the History of Ideas, a compilation of essays that truly promises fun late readings.
Five out of five stars. ;*)
Five out of five stars. ;*)
February 16, 2005
n 1: a state in which everything seems wrong and will turn out badly; "they were rescued from despair at the last minute" [syn: desperation] 2: the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well [ant: hope] v : abandon hope; give up hope; lose heart; "Don't despair--help is on the way!" [ant: hope]
Don´t Panic
The trailer of The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy is here. The first one is in the official site of the movie. Yeah, that with the song "And I think to myself, what a wonderful world..."
February 14, 2005
February 13, 2005
It is not funny when the "that`s gotta hurt" is applicable to me.
Pag 134
"No había nada, en ninguna parte, que envidiar, ni que lamentar, ni que temer. El pasado, el porvenir, el amor, la dicha, eran solo ruidos que se hacían con la boca".
February 12, 2005
Then again...
Or... Maybe I should just shoot me in the head, a common feeling after reading a post like the last one.
Oh my meaningless existance. I slept mostly o.k. I cooked breakfast. I randomly took a book and started reading. It was Simone de Beauvoir. It was "La invitada". Keep at it for a while. I usually keep at it until I found an exquisite pharagraph. But I didnt found it.
Then, work, the classic saturday stress... It is 21:33 and still waiting. I should go. But to what?
I was 15 and my aunt told me once, you have a question mark in your forehead. I´m 29 now, and I hope I´m not supposed to know now, because the question mark is bigger then ever.
Something beautiful
Have you seen the sky today? It is so beautiful that it almost hurts.
I hope you had. And I also hope you are being loved this day.
I wonder what happens with the love that is not delivered, since I decided to stop fighting against what I feel and let my heart love you, even though it is the more scariest thing I have ever done, even though I will be not loved back.
It is funny, what I feel.
I have cried less. Altought I have sudden explotions. But I am more calm, more seren. Well, only a little more, to be honest. Most of the time I need to run to whatever you are. Most of the time I feel this endless love is going to kill me.
But what will happen with it, with the undelivered love? What is it, anyway? An illusion? There is a sentence... "What have you done for me to love you?" that is spinning in my head all the time, and seems like needles in my heart, or a hammer always hitting, stabbing something deeper and deeper into my soul.
There is another: "Love is selfish". I dont know. I just dont know. I wish I knew what to do. All I know is I love you, and I will not fight it. Maybe it fades with time, maybe it dies like a flower, a flower whom bigger stupidity was to be born in the wrong time, in the wrong place. Oh but flowers die all the time, dont they? Maybe all these undelivered love will transform me in a tree.
Trees last. Trees are strong.
I hope you had. And I also hope you are being loved this day.
I wonder what happens with the love that is not delivered, since I decided to stop fighting against what I feel and let my heart love you, even though it is the more scariest thing I have ever done, even though I will be not loved back.
It is funny, what I feel.
I have cried less. Altought I have sudden explotions. But I am more calm, more seren. Well, only a little more, to be honest. Most of the time I need to run to whatever you are. Most of the time I feel this endless love is going to kill me.
But what will happen with it, with the undelivered love? What is it, anyway? An illusion? There is a sentence... "What have you done for me to love you?" that is spinning in my head all the time, and seems like needles in my heart, or a hammer always hitting, stabbing something deeper and deeper into my soul.
There is another: "Love is selfish". I dont know. I just dont know. I wish I knew what to do. All I know is I love you, and I will not fight it. Maybe it fades with time, maybe it dies like a flower, a flower whom bigger stupidity was to be born in the wrong time, in the wrong place. Oh but flowers die all the time, dont they? Maybe all these undelivered love will transform me in a tree.
Trees last. Trees are strong.
February 11, 2005
How do I not tell you I've never seen poetry in anyone's eyes but yours?
How do I stop me?
How do I...
How do I stop me?
How do I...
February 10, 2005
Symantec Antivirus May Execute Virus Code. Oookkk.
Started reading "Donde el corazón te lleve" today, by Susanna Tamaro. Heh. I saw the movie long ago, because it was directed by the same girl who did "Las memorias de Antonia".
I just wanted a light reading I guess. Bueh I am a woman after all... Actually the book is not that bad. It has his moments. Pag 59 so far. I predict I´ll finish it by midnight. Friday midnight, tops.
Jeez, why do I feel I have to justify about reading it? >:*)
I hate sports, and I am hostil to sport journalists. Is that so hard to understand? Die! Dissapear!
Started reading "Donde el corazón te lleve" today, by Susanna Tamaro. Heh. I saw the movie long ago, because it was directed by the same girl who did "Las memorias de Antonia".
I just wanted a light reading I guess. Bueh I am a woman after all... Actually the book is not that bad. It has his moments. Pag 59 so far. I predict I´ll finish it by midnight. Friday midnight, tops.
Jeez, why do I feel I have to justify about reading it? >:*)
I hate sports, and I am hostil to sport journalists. Is that so hard to understand? Die! Dissapear!
February 09, 2005
Begin transcript:
MS. MORNIN: That's good, because I work three jobs and I feel like I contribute.
THE PRESIDENT: You work three jobs?
MS. MORNIN: Three jobs, yes.
THE PRESIDENT: Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that. (Applause.) Get any sleep? (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: You work three jobs?
MS. MORNIN: Three jobs, yes.
THE PRESIDENT: Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that. (Applause.) Get any sleep? (Laughter.)
Silenciemos "Sabor a mi", que ha empezado a girar en el fonógrafo, allá en el sótano de mi cabeza tempestad. Reemplazemoslo con streaming. Reemplazemoslo con un trance remix de... de lo que sea. Pero ya. Es urgente. Su eco rebota en las paredes de mi piel, las notas salen por todos mis poros, las letras se resbalan por mis órganos, sale del sotano, como un fantasma, como niebla, como brisa, como humo, lo envuelve todo, lo llena todo y de repente, tengo gotas de rocío en la piel y de mis labios salen pájaros y luz y sol y primavera y pétalos azules y miel y luna y luciérnagas y besos y poesía y veranos y nubes y viento y parece que soy feliz, pero es un espejismo.
Un espejismo y un fonógrafo en un rincón.
February 08, 2005
Air on a G string
Interesante como podemos ser, al mismo tiempo, un cúmulo de emociones desbordadas, y un témpano de hielo.
February 07, 2005
February 06, 2005
Autorretrato con máscaras
James Ensor just reminded me of the story of "El loco", by Khalil Gibran...
February 05, 2005
"No te abrazo más fuerte porque traigo lastimado el brazo".
I just love this kid.
I just love this kid.
Non fiction
Entonces intento respirar, y arrugo la frente en un rictus de dolor. Un par de tenazas al rojo vivo aprisionan mi corazón. Parece que se ha detenido. Como si de una bomba de tiempo se tratara, el conteo regresivo ha terminado, va a explotar...
Pero no, se queda al límite, me tortura mientras en medio de un delirio, tu nombre se me sale de las yemas de los dedos tranformándose en jilgueros de tinta, volando sobre una hoja de papel en blanco.
Vuela en mis venas, tu nombre.
Tu nombre, imborrable marca al rojo vivo en mi conciencia.
Pero no, se queda al límite, me tortura mientras en medio de un delirio, tu nombre se me sale de las yemas de los dedos tranformándose en jilgueros de tinta, volando sobre una hoja de papel en blanco.
Vuela en mis venas, tu nombre.
Tu nombre, imborrable marca al rojo vivo en mi conciencia.
February 04, 2005
La danza de las horas
Hoy, que la Luna tiene un color ceniciento; hoy, que me dice cosas tan ambiguas el viento, a cuyo paso eriza su cabellera el mar; hoy, que las horas tienen un sonido más lento, hoy quisiera llorar.
Hoy, que la noche tiene una trágica duda en que vaga en la sombra una pregunta muda; en que se siente que algo siniestro va a venir, que se baña en el pecho la tristeza desnuda, hoy quisiera morir. "
Es cómico, pero las palabras que te ayudan a vivir al otro le ayudan a matarte.
Hoy, que la noche tiene una trágica duda en que vaga en la sombra una pregunta muda; en que se siente que algo siniestro va a venir, que se baña en el pecho la tristeza desnuda, hoy quisiera morir. "
Es cómico, pero las palabras que te ayudan a vivir al otro le ayudan a matarte.
February 02, 2005
February 01, 2005
Who are the Digerati?
And why are they "the cyber elite"? Hmmm I think this needs an update.
Testing Audioscrobbler features. Personal radio. Test 1. Test 2. Test 3 and working perfect.
How else would I be listening to "The Verve"?
Tuesday, be nice.
Testing Audioscrobbler features. Personal radio. Test 1. Test 2. Test 3 and working perfect.
How else would I be listening to "The Verve"?
Tuesday, be nice.
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