August 18, 2005

12 years old

I was going to post about the 12 year old guy who killed himself in his room because he was afroid of the punishment his parents would give him after he crashed the car.

But I thought, the hell with it.

There is no way to think about this in an euphemistic way. It makes me angry. It rushes blood to my head. And, at the same time, I want to push it away of my mind. I want to get rid of it. I know, but I dont want to.

It is almost like I can´t deal with it, with these, things. o.o

Why do they fucking index that into the technology news?

I know. Is weird. It is like the world hurts me. I can´t stand it. I already know all of that is happening. And it hurts everyday. To read about it, it is like adding more sand to my grave already too filled.

what can I do about it. what can anybody do.


Los Elmers said...

que sensible...

por que no dejar de lado sus razones... y analizar sus fundamentos.... talvez tenia razon en colgarse con la bata de baño.

Talya said...

Yes, you´re right. I´m too sensitive. Too much for my own good.
