Los blogs...
//Spanish only//Ecatl Alam sufre. Todos sufrimos.//Ivan Mejía se pone punk... lo que sea que eso signifique, e Yreal nos regala su prosa: No era amor, lo sabía, pero se le parecía tanto...
Radical Inc.http://www.radicalinc.blogspot.com/
Las cosas diseñadashttp://www.tantascosas.com/
La memoria del cuerpohttp://yreal.blogspot.com/
Laguna mentalhttp://www.lagunamental.tk/
Banco de Imágenes gratuitas*http://www.joseluisavilaherrera.blogspot.com/
el rincón de nayelihttp://elrincondenayeli.blogspot.com/
El noveno colectivohttp://elnovenocolectivo.blogspot.com/
Mole & Chocolatehttp://molechocolate.blogspot.com/
May 31, 2006
May 30, 2006
mom´s bread [and empanadas]
señoras y señores, esto es {kitch}en open source:
1 kig de harina, 2 cdtas 1/2 de levadura
en agua tibia en media o 3/4 taza, 2 o 3
huevos, 150 o 175 gr de manteca (primero
se acrema), 1.5 taza de azucar y un puñito
de sal, media taza de leche, una taza de
1. Acremar manteca (que quede como
turron). 2. huevos. 3. leche. 4. levadura.
5. sal. 6. harina. (se revuelve todo) 7.
agua. 8. azúcar.
Se amasa media hora hasta obtener una
consistencia media.
Para hornear:
Precalentar 5 min en 250 grados C
Bajar a 180 grados C
Arriba, ver que doren (color cremita)Abajo, 15-20 segundos
*Barnizar con leche y azúcar.
Relleno. Empanadas. Yummy.Cocer 6 manzanas tapadas hasta que estén
blanditas, quitar semillas, licuar, poner
en un traste grueso, echar 3/4 tazas
azucar y una pizca de canela molida,
revolver a fuego lento hasta que quede
sequita (untable).
1 kig de harina, 2 cdtas 1/2 de levadura
en agua tibia en media o 3/4 taza, 2 o 3
huevos, 150 o 175 gr de manteca (primero
se acrema), 1.5 taza de azucar y un puñito
de sal, media taza de leche, una taza de
1. Acremar manteca (que quede como
turron). 2. huevos. 3. leche. 4. levadura.
5. sal. 6. harina. (se revuelve todo) 7.
agua. 8. azúcar.
Se amasa media hora hasta obtener una
consistencia media.
Para hornear:
Precalentar 5 min en 250 grados C
Bajar a 180 grados C
Arriba, ver que doren (color cremita)Abajo, 15-20 segundos
*Barnizar con leche y azúcar.
Relleno. Empanadas. Yummy.Cocer 6 manzanas tapadas hasta que estén
blanditas, quitar semillas, licuar, poner
en un traste grueso, echar 3/4 tazas
azucar y una pizca de canela molida,
revolver a fuego lento hasta que quede
sequita (untable).
May 29, 2006
This has been a difficult day. The only thing I am going to say is that, if guided for my behavior today, the only things I find comfort on being in the state I am in are the following:
a. sleep. a lot.
b. call mother, be a b*tch with her, ask why the hell dad never calls, ask her how to make something specific she cooks, have her tell me all the recipe, step by step.
c.call my grandmother.
d. come spend time with my two cousins.
e. sit and watch "the wonderful years"
f. complain about tv advertising and quit watching
g. eat one snicker. make that two.
h. drink as much coke with ice i am allowed to, or have strength to go get downstairs.
i. write a small and dumb sms. (wait, no, that`s not confort at all)
j. research and write an article when i finally want to/have the strenght to.
k. refuse. resist. talk to no one online. or almost. quite. family not included.
l. talk about videogames and movies with one of the few members of my family as fucking outsider/geek/nerd/dork as me.
ll. call designer to desk, be (again) a *itch, and say only. "Two things. I want this redesigned for next monday. And this is the subject you should be working on starting, like, now. Ok thats all."
I have not cried, not smiled, and after a heavy doses of paracetamol, the headache that started at 11 am still remains.
Am I on my way to become a robot?
answering myself, no, no i am not. I did cried like crazy already. those were dry tears, thought. my eyes are sore and dry. too dry.
m.curse my life
ñ.want to shoot myself
n.my head is killing me
o.absence feels like death
p.i realize. i realize it...
a. sleep. a lot.
b. call mother, be a b*tch with her, ask why the hell dad never calls, ask her how to make something specific she cooks, have her tell me all the recipe, step by step.
c.call my grandmother.
d. come spend time with my two cousins.
e. sit and watch "the wonderful years"
f. complain about tv advertising and quit watching
g. eat one snicker. make that two.
h. drink as much coke with ice i am allowed to, or have strength to go get downstairs.
i. write a small and dumb sms. (wait, no, that`s not confort at all)
j. research and write an article when i finally want to/have the strenght to.
k. refuse. resist. talk to no one online. or almost. quite. family not included.
l. talk about videogames and movies with one of the few members of my family as fucking outsider/geek/nerd/dork as me.
ll. call designer to desk, be (again) a *itch, and say only. "Two things. I want this redesigned for next monday. And this is the subject you should be working on starting, like, now. Ok thats all."
I have not cried, not smiled, and after a heavy doses of paracetamol, the headache that started at 11 am still remains.
Am I on my way to become a robot?
answering myself, no, no i am not. I did cried like crazy already. those were dry tears, thought. my eyes are sore and dry. too dry.
m.curse my life
ñ.want to shoot myself
n.my head is killing me
o.absence feels like death
p.i realize. i realize it...
May 27, 2006
May 26, 2006
I just deleted bookmarks recopilated in nearly 8 years of work. Holy crap. It took me hours, but it felt good. Who the heck needs a link to IT trends for 2003 anyway? hahaha. I must say. Only one site made me sigh before I pressed the Supr button, AND the stupid IE validation (are you sure sure sure sure you want to delete this beloved link of yours?). IE bookmarks management sucks. I will update here later today what remained after the doom.
Listening {Sonic Youth::Incinerate} Of course...
Listening {Sonic Youth::Incinerate} Of course...
May 25, 2006
May 24, 2006
The text can be found here.
Powered by Castpost
May 23, 2006
From my current favorite movie critic: Heaven can Wait.
I know, dear reader, that you never ever even considered the thought of watching that ...thing. Even with Audrey on it. Now did you? So, I hope you can forgive me for bringing it to the talk, and in hopes of brightening your day, here are some faboulous (I learned this word from the haircut nazi) sartorial creatures. Whatever that means.
I almost forgot, for all the sporty-fashion-techno-music lovers out there, the perfect match has arrived, and it is here.
I know, dear reader, that you never ever even considered the thought of watching that ...thing. Even with Audrey on it. Now did you? So, I hope you can forgive me for bringing it to the talk, and in hopes of brightening your day, here are some faboulous (I learned this word from the haircut nazi) sartorial creatures. Whatever that means.
I almost forgot, for all the sporty-fashion-techno-music lovers out there, the perfect match has arrived, and it is here.
May 22, 2006
This week list of blogs is here:
//Spanish Only//ginger vive en el asteroide más cool/Fanelian engrosa las filas de las workaholics (bienvenida al clan), y Slea es una veinteañera (¿rabo verde?) ...
Asteroide B612
Ecce Me...
El Phineas
Entre menos burros...
análisis gráfico
Ana Stephens
I must say. It took me a long time to pick them. But, then again, the network was slow.
A couple of extra things to share are the political cartoonist Calderon website (I like the one featured on sunday, btw. Pavlovian, sure...) and the Classical Archives. Beautiful music, five at a time. So. Suscribe...
This is going to be a long day...
//Spanish Only//ginger vive en el asteroide más cool/Fanelian engrosa las filas de las workaholics (bienvenida al clan), y Slea es una veinteañera (¿rabo verde?) ...
Asteroide B612
Ecce Me...
El Phineas
Entre menos burros...
análisis gráfico
Ana Stephens
I must say. It took me a long time to pick them. But, then again, the network was slow.
A couple of extra things to share are the political cartoonist Calderon website (I like the one featured on sunday, btw. Pavlovian, sure...) and the Classical Archives. Beautiful music, five at a time. So. Suscribe...
This is going to be a long day...
May 21, 2006
-Can I make you a cool haircut. The fashion now is bangs, and um, you need some layers. Huh. This is too damn long. Out of date. You dont wanna go like that anymore. And, um. How about some color. Waddaya like new, like chocolat styles or highlights, we can also permanently straighten it? I mean check this out you have awesome hair, like all virginal and stuff, did you ever did something on it? (Yeah! Let´s ruin it!)
-Oh, um, I leave it to you, I just want to keep the lenght ok? And no color or permanent stuff. Thanks. (Just cut the fucking hair. Do whatever the $%& you want. I couldn´t care less. You´re gonna do whatever the #%&$%& you want anyway. $%#&$ haircut nazi)
-Um, well, ok, am gonna do some bangs here, and layers here and here and here.... (30 minutes later, she hands the mirror, and I do not recognize myself) Here, there, you looks fabulous, honey.
-Um. (fuck. fuck. fucking fuck of fucks). Meh. So how much is it? (Someday soon, you´re gonna be sorry you were born, I am so going to....) All right, thanks. (Bitch.)
-Oh, um, I leave it to you, I just want to keep the lenght ok? And no color or permanent stuff. Thanks. (Just cut the fucking hair. Do whatever the $%& you want. I couldn´t care less. You´re gonna do whatever the #%&$%& you want anyway. $%#&$ haircut nazi)
-Um, well, ok, am gonna do some bangs here, and layers here and here and here.... (30 minutes later, she hands the mirror, and I do not recognize myself) Here, there, you looks fabulous, honey.
-Um. (fuck. fuck. fucking fuck of fucks). Meh. So how much is it? (Someday soon, you´re gonna be sorry you were born, I am so going to....) All right, thanks. (Bitch.)
May 20, 2006
May 19, 2006
I like today´s design. Congrats, Teresita! She´s the f´n best.
May 18, 2006
El dolor me ha convertido en una persona demasiado dulce. Demasiado tierna. Y sin embargo, todavía violenta. La sublevación no me dura ni medio minuto. El torbellino se convierte en una lágrima silenciosa en un segundo, y en un llanto tan amargo que solo puede compararse con una lluvia torrencial en un día de sol, en dos.
Indescriptible, lo que siento. Mis párpados han dejado de soñar. Están en vela. Mi corazón se resigna. Deja que las aves que lo poblaban salgan en bandada. Se escapan. Las pierdo de vista en el horizonte. El sol se pone, y apenas puede distinguirse una columna de humo. Mis ojos no ven más. Latir es un hábito. Vivir es una palabra. Callar es un secreto. Volar es imposible. El humo, finalmente, se extingue. El sol se ha ido. La luna, pálida, fría, inmutable, me contempla. Yo. Postrada. De rodillas. Esperando nada.
Indescriptible, lo que siento. Mis párpados han dejado de soñar. Están en vela. Mi corazón se resigna. Deja que las aves que lo poblaban salgan en bandada. Se escapan. Las pierdo de vista en el horizonte. El sol se pone, y apenas puede distinguirse una columna de humo. Mis ojos no ven más. Latir es un hábito. Vivir es una palabra. Callar es un secreto. Volar es imposible. El humo, finalmente, se extingue. El sol se ha ido. La luna, pálida, fría, inmutable, me contempla. Yo. Postrada. De rodillas. Esperando nada.
May 17, 2006
Y la lista de blogs...
//Spanish Only//Air Plastic recomienda, uh, *ampliamente*, el disco Illinois, de Sufjan Stevens. //La Coctelera envía un mensaje pre-mundialista a las viudas del futbol, y Miss. Neumann se pelea con su PC en Lima, Perú.
La Coctelerahttp://www.lacoctelera.com/eme
Noches Virginales de la Bebahttp://bebanewmann.blogspot.com/
Destellos de Lunahttp://destellosdeluna.wordpress.com/
Vecindad Gráficahttp://vecindadgrafica.com/blogVecindad/
Para las brujas, el infiernohttp://vrazitos.blogspot.com/
SANTO SATANhttp://santosatan.blogspot.com/
Reason of Life*http://www.reasonoflife.org/blog/
*Fotoblog. Muy bueno.
**Pecados Capitales: Transiciones extrañas. Comienza música en cuanto entro al blog. Ew. Uso exagerado y bobo de "malas palabras" sin gracia, mucho menos sentido -eso ya sería mucho pedir-. Ay, otra vez las transiciones. Whatswrongwithyoupeople? Los popups inbloqueables a prueba de balas... Los Google Ads (son pasables/veniales cuando están donde a nadie le importa, o cuando el blog deveras es bueno). Mencionar a Thalía. Usar frases demasiado pretenciosas en los títulos, subtítulos y descripción de profiles. Reciclaje de lugares comunes, y aparte de comuens, sin chiste. Y claro, ser 100% compatible con el currently mood de yours truly. Bitter, sarchastic, neurotic a must. A bit of sillyness, hints of honesty help, too. The ultimate downsider? Take yourself too seriously. No permitir hacer click hacia la página anterior! Usar backgrounds de cielos estrellados mal recortados, querer hacerse los simpáticos, poner avances de novelas de TV Azteca.
//Spanish Only//Air Plastic recomienda, uh, *ampliamente*, el disco Illinois, de Sufjan Stevens. //La Coctelera envía un mensaje pre-mundialista a las viudas del futbol, y Miss. Neumann se pelea con su PC en Lima, Perú.
La Coctelerahttp://www.lacoctelera.com/eme
Noches Virginales de la Bebahttp://bebanewmann.blogspot.com/
Destellos de Lunahttp://destellosdeluna.wordpress.com/
Vecindad Gráficahttp://vecindadgrafica.com/blogVecindad/
Para las brujas, el infiernohttp://vrazitos.blogspot.com/
SANTO SATANhttp://santosatan.blogspot.com/
Reason of Life*http://www.reasonoflife.org/blog/
*Fotoblog. Muy bueno.
**Pecados Capitales: Transiciones extrañas. Comienza música en cuanto entro al blog. Ew. Uso exagerado y bobo de "malas palabras" sin gracia, mucho menos sentido -eso ya sería mucho pedir-. Ay, otra vez las transiciones. Whatswrongwithyoupeople? Los popups inbloqueables a prueba de balas... Los Google Ads (son pasables/veniales cuando están donde a nadie le importa, o cuando el blog deveras es bueno). Mencionar a Thalía. Usar frases demasiado pretenciosas en los títulos, subtítulos y descripción de profiles. Reciclaje de lugares comunes, y aparte de comuens, sin chiste. Y claro, ser 100% compatible con el currently mood de yours truly. Bitter, sarchastic, neurotic a must. A bit of sillyness, hints of honesty help, too. The ultimate downsider? Take yourself too seriously. No permitir hacer click hacia la página anterior! Usar backgrounds de cielos estrellados mal recortados, querer hacerse los simpáticos, poner avances de novelas de TV Azteca.
here is this week list of featured mp3 blogs:
::work for it
music (for robots)
Culture Bully
You aint no Picasso
Hello Gina
Communications Major/English
Music is Art
Kill your Co-workers
cool music, hell yeah
::work for it
music (for robots)
Culture Bully
You aint no Picasso
Hello Gina
Communications Major/English
Music is Art
Kill your Co-workers
cool music, hell yeah
kids wisdom: I have only read two articles of yours: Xbox a la mexicana and the game review of Harvest Moon.
At least he is honest. :)
At least he is honest. :)
May 16, 2006
I guess the trouble is one has the hopes to make it a little interesting at least.-
The hell with that.
The hell with that.
May 15, 2006
Silly and Cute, but still Good.
Hey. Do I ever critizice your taste in webcomics? Thats what I thought. Plus, they now work for the iPod. Sweet.
listening {Asobi Seksu - thursday}
Hey. Do I ever critizice your taste in webcomics? Thats what I thought. Plus, they now work for the iPod. Sweet.
listening {Asobi Seksu - thursday}
May 13, 2006
May 12, 2006
human interaction
on the security line...
human 1 - are we there yet?
me (crying in the line) - (stare, silence)
human 2 (old guy)- is that book for school?
me (reading darwing among the machines) - no, for fun.
human 2 - oh. whoa. looks pretty dense.
me - (smile & nod) *start ignore people mode.
off the plane...
me - (stop the line so a big lady stuck since a while could leave)
human 3, aka heavy lady - Oh! thanks! It took a lady to be a gentleman.
me - (smile & nod, follow the claim baggage signals...)
on the security line...
human 1 - are we there yet?
me (crying in the line) - (stare, silence)
human 2 (old guy)- is that book for school?
me (reading darwing among the machines) - no, for fun.
human 2 - oh. whoa. looks pretty dense.
me - (smile & nod) *start ignore people mode.
off the plane...
me - (stop the line so a big lady stuck since a while could leave)
human 3, aka heavy lady - Oh! thanks! It took a lady to be a gentleman.
me - (smile & nod, follow the claim baggage signals...)
May 11, 2006
ICANN says: ICANN's Board voted 9 to 5 against the proposed agreement. Votes in favor of the proposed .XXX Registry Agreement were cast by the following Board Members: Veni Markovski, Susan Crawford, Peter Dengate Thrush, Joichi Ito, and Mouhamet Diop. Directors who voted against the approval were Vint Cerf (Chairman), Alejandro Pisanty (Vice-Chairman), Raimundo Beca, Demi Getschko, Hagen Hultzsch, Njeri Rionge, Vanda Scartezini, Paul Twomey (President and CEO), and Hualin Qian. Additional details regarding the vote will be provided by ICANN later this week.
Talya says: PrOn.
Lawrence Lessing says: If there is anything slowing the market for porn, its not the unavailability of a domain name.
Talya says. Oh. BS. It is, like, totally boring anyway. People, go for the real thing. I command.
(but) Seriously. Why not? Just for the fun of it? Aww. Cmon!
Talya says: PrOn.
Lawrence Lessing says: If there is anything slowing the market for porn, its not the unavailability of a domain name.
Talya says. Oh. BS. It is, like, totally boring anyway. People, go for the real thing. I command.
(but) Seriously. Why not? Just for the fun of it? Aww. Cmon!
May 10, 2006
PS3 Specs.
Sony says: It's a console that screams digital carpe diem and will redefine reality as you know it.
Talya says:Ok Sony. Whatever-. F'n $6K! No way-
Iwata says: Soon, the future will be in your hands. When you get a chance to play, you will believe Wii is the next leap in gaming to a new generation.
Talya says: Wii!
Sony says: It's a console that screams digital carpe diem and will redefine reality as you know it.
Talya says:Ok Sony. Whatever-. F'n $6K! No way-
Iwata says: Soon, the future will be in your hands. When you get a chance to play, you will believe Wii is the next leap in gaming to a new generation.
Talya says: Wii!
napster 2.0?
I have not been using bittorrent for a while, but see, it looks like they want to be the next itunes.
That Bram seemed to be a cool guy. Oh well. The technology has spread anyway. In fact, just to celebrate the defeat, I am going to get an illegal torrent right now. :P
so, ahem, people, go ahead and DL ted. I command.
I have not been using bittorrent for a while, but see, it looks like they want to be the next itunes.
That Bram seemed to be a cool guy. Oh well. The technology has spread anyway. In fact, just to celebrate the defeat, I am going to get an illegal torrent right now. :P
so, ahem, people, go ahead and DL ted. I command.
May 09, 2006
Windows Messenger Live 8 beta wants to rule the world.
Hmm. It is the final beta. Not much change after this I guess.
It was supposed to be full release on spring anyway.
Hmm. It is the final beta. Not much change after this I guess.
It was supposed to be full release on spring anyway.
I mean, the X360 may be the only slightly cool thing that Microsoft is doing these days anyway. Of course BG made his "surprise" appereance at E3. Duh.
update-link works now
update-link works now
Osea, cada vez es más difícil encontrar blogs comestibles. La lista de 10 me tomó casi una hora. Será por la hora? La próxima vez los buscaré a medianoche. Será el lugar? Me impuse como penitencia seleccionarlos solo de blogsmexico y en español, y que al menos tuvieran una cosa, una cosita interesante, o de perdida algo que entretuviera. No se. I am blog sick. No wonder why. Cualquier sugerencia o comentario, $·&%(/&)(&$$·%%/%&)&(/).
Use your imagination. :)
/Spanish only//gabadiario dicute el libro "Hostage to the Devil"//Álvaro escribe desde Bergen, Noruega//Planeta Cruz prohibe la entrada a menores de edad, mujeres y uniformados...
Vecindad Gráfica
Ojo al Texto
El Club...
Planeta Cruz
JaNna Bailarina
El peor blog
No sé. No sé.... Hmmm. Anyway. Bloody hell. Next...
Use your imagination. :)
/Spanish only//gabadiario dicute el libro "Hostage to the Devil"//Álvaro escribe desde Bergen, Noruega//Planeta Cruz prohibe la entrada a menores de edad, mujeres y uniformados...
Vecindad Gráfica
Ojo al Texto
El Club...
Planeta Cruz
JaNna Bailarina
El peor blog
No sé. No sé.... Hmmm. Anyway. Bloody hell. Next...
Uno de Navojoa.
Keep making jokes. (I couldnt think of a good one)
Gotta love the last names. Wagner + Almada :)
Keep making jokes. (I couldnt think of a good one)
Gotta love the last names. Wagner + Almada :)
Veredict: Another day, another social bookmarking tool
Suits all the fashion victims out there, I guess. Hm, wait, those shoes are kinda cute...
Veredict: Another day, another social bookmarking tool
Suits all the fashion victims out there, I guess. Hm, wait, those shoes are kinda cute...
May 08, 2006
May 04, 2006
Your health comes first-- you can always hang yourself later.
Yiddish Proverb. Or is it.
Yiddish Proverb. Or is it.
May 03, 2006
May 02, 2006
For some reason, I feel exactly how I felt when I was nine years old, and under the shadow of a tree in the backyard of my fathers house, devoured page after page the works of the baron for the first time, until the last beam of sunlight let me do so, absorbed on it. I had to stop after each page to catch my breath, as I may have just been lying there, but my mind was runing away to who knows what lost worlds, along with a misterious character in the dangerous search for a rare, elusive blue flower that only growed in mountains, high above, where ver few people, if any, dare to go.
May 01, 2006
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