July 22, 2005

Wasn´t Longhorn cooler anyway?

Windows Vista.... Ewww

Is it normal to wake up thinking on sex, then, the existance of God, then, the weird dream I just had, then, the movie I´m about to see, then jump out of the bed with an "I just missed the appointment with the doctor again goddamit!!!!"

Grandma-> Yeah, but you were up in the computer until past three in the morning, didnt you?
Moi-> Uh. Yup. Ugh. I guess so. Hum.

Uh? Brain... Needs... Food... Coffee... (drink of the gods, at least the gods who are cranky in the morning//QC, OC)


Edo said...

Mmm... Sex, Existance, Dream, Movie, Missed appointment... Yup. Al least in my book, it is normal. Heck, you even missed a Sex or two in that line of thought xD

Los Elmers said...


a veces solo puedo pensar en negativo asi que solo ve este comentario como algo que no cuenta.

A lo mejor que faltaras al doctor no es cuestion tuya, tal vez es solo el subconciente que te esta hablando, tal vez no lo necesites, talvez ni siquiera estes enferma, tal vez solo te es volviendo loca, tal vez necesites un valvula de escape "REAL", realmente no lo se, pero ten en cuenta que por cada accion existe un reaccion (a veces buena, a veces no) y creo que... sabiendo que es lo que te esta provocando ese problema mas rapido podrias solucionarlo.

Talya said...

bulldog $ Relief. I guess. Ugh.


Kaju $ Ahem... You mean like... Actually accepting that I´m screwed forever? That I´m dead inside but still somehow alive?... Hm...
core dumped.

Los Elmers said...

"dead" is not the correct word....
"forever" is only if you want it