May 25, 2005

Singularity! (A tough guide)

"Personally, I don't intend to TRanscend; I'm going to get into UpLoading then make myself into a 21st level half-elven barbarian hero with a +4 sword of bloodshedding and I'm going to go adventuring in World of Warcraft 21.499! Rooarr! (Or maybe I'll just grow up to be like Greg Egan and do math.)"

Nice site. Filed under technocore_AI, so, you have been warned. >:*)

1 comment:

Edo said...

I can't help but think "fuck" when I don't only understand this kind of writings, but also think "Nah, half-elves suck at being barbarians... and vorpals are funnier.", then go into the "I don't like the UpLoading shit at all" and later... well, you get the idea. >_o