May 25, 2005

Why we lie? And why are we so good at it?

The answer according with Scientific American.

"The obvious question raised by all of this accounting is: Why do we lie so readily? The answer: because it works. The Homo sapiens who are best able to lie have an edge over their counterparts in a relentless struggle for the reproductive success that drives the engine of evolution. As humans, we must fit into a close-knit social system to succeed, yet our primary aim is still to look out for ourselves above all others. Lying helps. And lying to ourselves--a talent built into our brains--helps us accept our fraudulent behavior."

Le decía yo el otro día a mi hermano menor que no es una cuestión de género, sino de especie. Ya lo ves, JA? Las mujeres, nada. El ser humano, en general. No sé... ¿Los animales serán capaces de engañar o mentir? Seguramente lo harán en el momento en que se den cuenta que les resulta provechoso. ¿Será una simple cuestión de supervivencia? They do. They do. No sólo los animales, las plantas también. NATURE FAVORS DECEPTION BECAUSE IT PROVIDES SURVIVAL ADVANTAGES. See?

The worst: Fake tears, fake orgasms and porn flashy "have a nice day smiles". Oh, and to lie by omission. And lie to yourself, of course. That should be the worst. I have a theory that the people who is good to tell lies to others lies to theirselves so well that they dont even realize that they are doing it. They believe their own lies.

What about make-up and Wonder-bras? Who must be frustrating find out the wonderful C sized breasts fade into an A. Not that A´s ar bad at all... >;*)

Lo dicho, la autenticidad es lo más difícil de este mundo. I always say it. Everybody lies all the time. I remember a date once who looked at me like if I were the ultimate sinner by saying that. Oh, I said, shut up, it is true, and if you say you have never said a lie, you´re lying. He said nothing. No second date, of course hahaha I think I was 18 or something like that. I say, beware of those who say I dont lie, or are scared of this affirmation, I´m sure they are the worst hopeless liars.

Well, enough crap for a wed.

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